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Update: Field Trip And Mile Run

Jedi Master J.


Once again, I have forgotten to update this blog, I am sorry about that. Anyway there are plenty I could talk about in this entry, but I am decide to just stick with the two things in my title of this entry that happen on Thursday and Friday this week.


To start this off, I went to a Renaissance Fair for a field trip, this Thursday. It was pretty boring, since it was sort of like a lunch trip for we were only there for about 50 minutes and the whole thing was very disorganize make it impossible to really see anything there. As well, it was raining, so we all got wet. So, you probably can guess that trip was no fun.


On to the Mile Run topic, I had to, in Gym class yesterday, run the Mile Run. This is probably my most hated thing that we do in Gym class for it make me extremely tired and will sometimes causes leg's pains for I tend to overwork myself, when it comes to things like that.


Right now, my left leg is in pain for not being use to run as fast as did yesterday. But don't worried, I am fine. I have been through this many times before, so I am some what used to the pain. I just wish we didn't have to do the Mile Run through. But of course, you can't always get what you want in life. It’s a fact of life and we all got learn it eventually.


That's all I got to say at the moment on what going on in my life. Thanks for visiting my blog, please do come again.




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