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Graphic Design Help

I'm looking for some help from one of you creative types out there. I would like some overlay images we can use during BZPower's streams, both for builds and games, to help share info for people who tune in part-way through and give them more of a BZPower-feel.   For a visual style, I'm thinking something like the overlays we use for our YouTube thumbnails, with the angled line and the gears, but obviously smaller so it takes up less space. Maybe one in the bottom left and one in the top right.

Black Six

Black Six

Join the Club

Microsoft recently added a new feature to Xbox Live allowing people to make clubs so people who share common interests can get find each other, get together, and play videogames. I figured BZPower was an interest so I made us a club! Give it a join and hopefully it will help you find some like-minded gamers to play videogames with.   Maybe if it gets some momentum we'll do gaming nights? Would that be a cool thing?

Black Six

Black Six

Taking Administrative Action

I meant to get something like this posted earlier this weekend, but commitments to BrickFair New England prevented that from happening in a more timely manner, so I'm sorry for that.   In light of some recent developments on and off BZP, I think it's important for us to talk briefly about how the staff take action. Sometimes a situation arises and the staff need time to sort things out, so member accounts are suspended to stop further posts until we can get to the bottom of things. This is gener

Black Six

Black Six

BZPower Company

No, BZPower is not getting incorporated.   Halo 5: Guardians is releasing next week, and today 343 Industries announced their clan feature for the game and started to allow people to make and join them.   BZPower, the Halo 5 company.   I'm pretty excited for this game, although I'm sure I won't be able to play as much as I'd like. Still though, I think it might be fun to play with BZPower members. If you're planning on picking up Halo 5, feel free to join the group!

Black Six

Black Six


The past few days have been full of milestones that really have been putting things in perspective for me.   I was born on August 5th, 1987. Today I turn twenty-eight! Go me for surviving this long!   I joined BZPower on August 2nd, 2001. I've been a member for fourteen years now. This site has become a huge part of my life for so many reasons.   An interesting thing happens when you combine those two dates and do a little math. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet I can tell that I was alive f

Black Six

Black Six

BZPower Members in Dallas or Texas?

I'm putting out a call to all of our BZPower members out there - who lives in the Dallas area or Texas in general?   BrickUniverse Dallas is happening this November and the organizer has been in touch and wants it to be a big event with lots of AFOLs and a big Bionicle presence. If you register as part of BZPower or BioniLUG we can probably get your registration fee waived as long as you bring at least one MOC for the display.   So let me know if you live in the area and might be interested in c

Black Six

Black Six

Movie Recommendations

Every now and then in conversation someone will mention a movie they love that I haven't seen. There's also a bunch of films from the past few years that I wanted to see but never got around to. So I've decided to finally make a list of all these films to keep track of and help motivate myself to actually watch them.   Below is the list I have so far, but I'm sure it's not complete. That's where you guys come in. What are some of your all-time favorite movies, or movies that you think are worth

Black Six

Black Six

PAX East 2015

I had the pleasure of going up to PAX East in Boston, Massachusetts from March 6th to 8th. As always, it was a blast and it was great to hang out with Than the Moa and Watashi Wa and meet a couple of WaWa's friends. I thought for a change I'd endeavor to take some more pictures and blog about it and share some of my experiences.   The Lines PAX East is famous for its massive lines for everything. When you cram 70,000 or more people into a single space, you're going to have to wait for stuff. It'

Black Six

Black Six

Brick Badge Bricks

I've nearly run out of ideas for custom bricks for my brick badge. So once again, I'm turning to you guys for suggestions.   Have at it!   Suggested topics to help give you ideas - BZPower, staff, gaming, Halo, Ambassadors, Tolkien.   Thank you all!

Black Six

Black Six

New York City BZPower Meetup?

Next month I'll be heading up to New York City for ToyFair. Because of the train schedules, I'll have quite a bit of time to kill on Friday, February 13th before ToyFair starts on Saturday.   Would people be interested in meeting up somewhere, perhaps one of the LEGO stores, to hang out? It's always fun to meet and chat with members, and this seems like it could be a good opportunity.   If you're interested, let me know!

Black Six

Black Six

For Sale: DVD Box Sets

I'm looking to make some space on my movie shelves, so these lovely collections have to depart. Make me an offer - I'm more interested in getting them out of my house than making a lot of money.         Torchwood Season 1 on DVD   Star Trek 'Complete' Motion Picture Collection on DVD - includes Star Trek I-VI, Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, and Nemesis SOLD!   Stargate Atlantis Complete Series on DVD SOLD!

Black Six

Black Six

Bravo Zulu Posse (Destiny Clan)

So Destiny comes out tonight and I am super excited. I won't be at a midnight release unfortunately, but I'll be picking up my Ghost edition after work tomorrow.   I figure there's probably quite a few of you out there who will be playing it too, so I made a clan for us. Feel free to join and represent BZP on Bungie.net!

Black Six

Black Six

Buried by BrickFair

I got back from BrickFair last night and still have not had a lot of time to recover.   A huge thanks to everyone who attended, sent in MOCs, and supported our crowd-funding campaign (or all three!) - you guys helped make this the biggest and best BrickFair yet. It's always a huge blast hanging out with everyone, playing games, building with LEGO, sharing meals, etc. I hope you all had as much fun as I did.   But now it's back to the grind. I have a lot of un-packing and sorting to do, as well a

Black Six

Black Six

LEGO Ambassador Network

Keith Severson (Senior Manager, CEE Community Support) recently shared the below information with the Ambassadors about changes coming to the program. I'm really looking forward to the changes and hoping they strengthen and grow the community as a whole. If you have any questions about the responsibilities or anything about the new program, I'll do my best to answer them.

Black Six

Black Six

LEGO Ideas Questions

BZPower will be interviewing Tim Courtney from the LEGO Ideas team this weekend at BrickFair New England!   Is there anything you would like us to ask him, or any topics we should bring up?

Black Six

Black Six

Ask a LEGO Designer

At BrickFair New England, LEGO set designer Jamie Berard will be on hand to give a talk. He has also agreed to do an interview with BZPower. This may just be a text interview, but we might try to do a video for our YouTube channel.   What questions would you like to ask him?   GO!

Black Six

Black Six

Philly Brick Fest

Philly Brick Fest is later this week! I don't think there will be too many BZPower members there, which makes me sad. Fortunately though, there will be a ton of your MOCs on display!   I was getting worried because no one had been sending anything in, but last Friday I got three boxes (two of them were huge) and today I got four more! By my count, there will be over FORTY BZPower member MOCs on display (not including mine or any others that show up from other exhibitors). We should have a great

Black Six

Black Six

Calling All Chima Fans

Are you a devout Chima fan? Do you have tons of sets and a wardrobe full of Chima clothes and a Chima backpack? Have you seen every episode of the Chima TV show, twice? Have you hit the level cap in the Chima MMO?   Even if only some of these things apply, we want to hear from you! BZPower has some ideas in the works and are looking for some Chima people to help out. Leave a comment here or send me a PM with what makes you a huge Chima fan, and if you've got what we're looking for, I'll let you

Black Six

Black Six

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