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Delivery Services

Black Six


Ever since I've moved to Maryland I seem to be having problems with packages and those who deliver them. It's really super frustrating.


Let's start with some background. Growing up, I lived in a house on about a half acre of land. Very friendly neighborhood, no crime or anything. My parents and I were very content to let USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc leave packages at our front door. Then I went to college and had a mailbox there. If I ordered something the package would go to the school and I could pick it up. Then I got an apartment off campus but I kept using my school mailbox or just delivering them to my parents' house since my apartment's foyer didn't lock and anyone could just walk in and grab a package that might be there.


Now I live in a townhouse. I don't really know my neighbors well so I'm not a big fan of having stuff delivered and left by my front door. But that's no big deal, I can just put a little note asking them to leave it on the back step, since tracking info usually lets me know when the package will arrive. Plus, I have Amazon Prime which means free 2-day shipping, so I can really plan and try to be home when my packages arrive. Well, let's take a look:


USPS - Their tracking information is horrible. I've shipped things Express Mail, and even with that they don't give you an estimate of when the package will arrive. Also, they have blatantly ignored notes left on my door and left some pretty valuable things sitting out in plain sight.


FedEx - Also ignores notes on the door, but at least their tracking information is accurate.


UPS - They will leave packages on the back step, and after a few times with a note, I've found I don't even need to put one up. It's like Pavlov's dog or something! Of course this was after a rather large fiasco. I live on 423 Elm St. (Not really, but let's pretend I do.) If you go to the end of the street and make a left you'll be on Lincoln Ave. (Again, not really, but go with it.) Follow Lincoln Ave. and it will curve around and get pretty close to the back of my house. Apparently there's a 423 Lincoln Ave. too, and apparently the GPS units UPS uses have a hard time telling their drivers which street they're on. On three occasions UPS delivered packages to 423 Lincoln Ave. instead of 423 Elm St. After a long and angry call to UPS, it hasn't happened since. I hope it stays that way.


Some random courier service - I ordered a package from Amazon on a Sunday. That Monday was MLK Jr. Day. I figured I wouldn't get the package until Thursday, maybe Wednesday. That Tuesday, after we had a bunch of snow and ice, I'm shoveling out my car and this guy pulls up in a car next to me and was like, 'hey, is this Elm St?' I told him it was and then he asked where 423 was. I told him that was my house and we were right in front of it. He hand delivered me my package and went on his way. Pretty amazing service.


But now let's get back to Amazon, for they're the reason I felt compelled to vent about this. I ordered a couple things from them Tuesday night, after their shipping deadline. Free two day shipping meant they would arrive on Friday, when I didn't have to work and could be at home. I get my notices from Amazon saying my packages have been shipped and they would be here Thursday. Yeah sure, being fast is great Amazon, but maybe there was a reason I placed my order when I did.


So I get home today, and there's only one package waiting for me. I go online to check the tracking information, and apparently there was no street address on the package, so when they tried to deliver it today they couldn't. Hopefully it'll get here tomorrow. But still, this leaves several questions:

  1. Amazon, how come when I gave you my full address (that's saved on my account) you could put it on one package (that shipped FedEx) but not another (that shipped UPS).
  2. UPS, why would you accept a package with an incomplete address?
  3. And why would you not say anything about it until the day you tried to deliver it?
  4. And why couldn't you just look in your computer, see that you've delivered a whole bunch of packages to a person with the same name and in the same town and on one street, and figure out that's where you have to go?
So, so frustrating sometimes...


And that's my rant.


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That's okay, I ordered a new camera shipped via UPS, paid for three day shipping, and an exact week later it still isn't here.


Sure, a blizzard hit the day it was supposed to get here. So? They should have put chains on.

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Oh my god, an actual blog entry for once! :o


Yeah, your pros and cons of the services seem pretty rounded to me. I should add that UPS also seems to employ their drivers on a more long-term basis, at least in my area, so that helps with the delivering, since they get accustomed to your, or my, instructions. My brother works for FedEx and says their drivers tend to change a bit more often, a trend that may not help much. Both have great tracking services, though I have good experiences with FedEx following instructions. Last time I got something with FedEx, I wasn't home, but since it was from the Apple Store, they had to get a signature, understandably. It was a time-sensitive package, so I put a note on my gate. They followed it to the letter. I was happy.


Your random courier service sounds awesome, though. XD



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Just got the package. On the box:


Andrew Lastname

423 Elm St.

Bel Air, MD 21014


What part of the address was missing there guys?!?!

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The answer to your problem lies with one easy solution: Get a PO box dude! Our family had the same problem, and when some wacko shoved a dead squirrel in our mailbox at the street we had enough. But yeah, it is something to seriously consider if your having problems with packages and what not. The mail is in a secure place, all the time, and there are no more notes or mailmen to deal with (No offense to all of those mailmen out there of course :P).
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But then I have to drive to the post office all the time, and they close at 4PM, which is before I get our of work. Makes it hard to get your mail that way.

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Just got the package. On the box:


Andrew Lastname

423 Elm St.

Bel Air, MD 21014


What part of the address was missing there guys?!?!

Clearly, the "Fresh Prince" part.



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But then I have to drive to the post office all the time, and they close at 4PM, which is before I get our of work. Makes it hard to get your mail that way.


I believe most of the mail places keep the doors open through a key code (At least UPS place near us does) so customers can get their mail at the PO box, regardless of the time. Hopefully this is the same case at the PO near you (Never hurts to ask em' :P).

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