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Weekly Update - 4/22

Black Six



Welcome to the weekend everyone. I know I've been waiting for it for a long time. Before it can properly begin, however, I suppose I owe you all an update.



This past week DeeVee reviewed Stormer 2.0, the last of the Hero Factory 2.0 sets. We'll probably have some reviews of other sets before the 3.0 reviews, but don't expect to see too many until then.


Work has begun on the next episode of the BZPowercast, and you can help! Go check out the poll I started in the Voting Booth to let us know what themes you want to see duke it out. The selection with the most votes will get covered in the upcoming episode. We have a few other topics we're planning on discussing too, but feel free to make your own suggestions - we'll include them if we happen to like them.


Other than that, you might want to keep your eye on the Reference Desk this weekend for a little update. Uh oh I set a deadline for myself. (I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.)


Finally, we might have some downtime next week. More info on that when we're ready to say something officially.



1. Who gives the ranks?

2. Why do people forget their questions when they're going to ask them?

3. What's the most uncommon kind of question you ever got?

4. Who's your least favorite Bionicle character?

5. Have you got all the Bionicle sets?

6. Have you ever MOC'ed?

7. Was that funny to be a Barbie?

8. Why am I asking weird questions?

9. I know you won't do it but could you ban yourself?

1. Initially Dimensioneer and Binkmeister came up with those. A couple years back though, the BZPower staff all worked together to come up with new ones.

2. Beats me.

3. I've gotten some really personal questions that I guess could be 'uncommon.'

4. Hmmm. There's a lot of 'bad-guy' characters in Bionicle and a lot of characters I don't really care about. I think the one I like the least though is Ahkmou.

5. Not by a long shot. I have most of the 2001 and 2002 ones, but after that my collection quickly tapers off.

6. Once upon a time.

7. It was hilarious.

8. How should I know?

9. Yes, and then I wouldn't be able to undo it.


1. Buffalo chicken cookie wrap?

2. You meet the girl of your dreams, but she says either she goes or BZPower goes, so....do you walk to work that day or bring your lunch?

3. Have you/do you intend to play Portal 2?

4. I totally have been keeping up with all my blogging responsibilities ever since Portal 2 came out... You believe me, right? :lookaround:

5. Have you tried out the trial version of the new XBLA title "Section 8: Prejudice"yet? *hinthint* ;)

6. Behind you! A three-headed monkey!

7. Please tell me that last one didn't go over your head....

8. Doctor Who this Saturday. ARE YOU NOT EXCITED!? :br:

9. I have to work late this Saturday. :angry:

10. What would happen if somebody took Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, and Opera and stuck them all in a big box and shook 'em up?

1. Sounds delicious.

2. I'm way too far away to walk, so definitely the latter.

3. I have not. I may get to it eventually. I have to beat the original first though.

4. Not a bit.

5. Nope, there's a lot of games I really should play I hear.

6. What are you talking about?

7. Sorry I had to look that up. I played a lot of LucasArts games back in the day, but for some reason Monkey Island was not among them.


9. My condolences.

10. Five browsers enter, one browser leaves.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Stay dry, enjoy any holidays you may be celebrating, and have a great weekend everyone! I'm looking forward to recharging my batteries and seeing you all later!


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XD "In the news today, B6 accidentally banned himself, and then couldn't get back in. The rest of the staff had a massive battle over who would occupy his former position and in the end no one was left standing, as they all decided to sit down."


I dunno where I'm going with this, but I'm sure it would make for a great story. B)



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Finally, we might have some downtime next week. More info on that when we're ready to say something officially.

Ironically, I look forward to this because announced downtimes usually mean that there will be something new. :P


~Gata. ;)

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XD "In the news today, B6 accidentally banned himself, and then couldn't get back in. The rest of the staff had a massive battle over who would occupy his former position and in the end no one was left standing, as they all decided to sit down."


I dunno where I'm going with this, but I'm sure it would make for a great story. B)



XD yeah.


By the way, B6. Replies to some of your replies.

2. Me too.

4. Ahkmou also is not my favorite character. But he seems interesting as a villain, especially if he's the mysterious Great Being. B)

8. Probably to have more chances to get them answered. :psychotwitch:


Downtime soon? Oh no... Can't wait to learn more.

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