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Seven's The Lucky Number

Black Six


For those of you who don't know, yesterday marked the beginning of the seventh RPG forum contest. This marks the first contest since the creation of the Fan Created Games forum, which made the RPG forum consist solely of Text-Based RPGs. One thing I've noticed is that this has greatly reduced the overall activity in the forum (obviously). I'm thinking whether it might not be a bad idea to increase the number of contest winners. Nothing is going to change for this contest, but I want to hear your feedback for when December rolls around. So let us know what you think!


Also, as you hopefully noticed by now, there's no theme for this contest. We think we've decided to only have once contest each year have a theme. Again, we welcome any feedback or thoughts you have on this.


Finally, this contest also marks the introduction of Nukora as a Contest Assistant. He's been kind enough to volunteer to check through the entries to make sure everyone meets the requirements and to help answer any questions you guys might have. So join, me, Smeagol4, and Dr. Bionicle in welcoming him to the team!


P.S. - Two entries in two days! This is never gonna last...


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I could see raising the number of winning entries would be good. Without the software RPGs, the only topics in there now are RPGC winners and the fifteen plus topics for the BZPRPG. Four or five winners wouldn't be bad, I think. But I don't really know. I don't have to moderate it and when I choose to help in a forum it's usually not RPG (though it probably should be).


Previously, I've just been a bystander. I've only entered the contest once (I think it was the second or third one). I had a profile in only three of the winners that I remember, but only played in BZPower: The Final Battle. So my opinion on themes is pretty much weightless. But I like them. It stretches the creativity of those entering, and pushes them to think about how they will fit the theme into their RPG. I realize that this probably drives a lot of people from entering, so I suppose one per year is about right.


Welcome, Nukora. Oh, wait...Yeah, I'm open for questions.

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


If you could make it five winners instead of three, that would make my day. I always end up in fourth or fifth. And more winners makes everyone's day happier.
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Yes, now that there is more space in the RPG forum, I think it would definitely be a good idea to up the number of winners in each contest


I noticed that the last contest we had had far fewer numbers of entries (legit or otherwise) than the other contests I've seen

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Many of the things that've been mentioned in the other comments I've seen as well. I'd say that the forums less activity could be coupled with the beginning of the new school year for most people but I'd say it is pretty reasonable to say that without the software RPGs it's gone down. Uping the number of winners to 4-5 could make things more interesting. It definitely provide a better chance for each RPG but it also would had to the choices of a person when they wish to RP. Maybe they don't like any of the three RPG's that won but with 4 or 5, that gives them possibly two more to choose from.


I do like having the theme once a year better. With the theme, it does push for more creativity inside the RPG's but it also kind of limits what new RPGs can do in terms of the overall because they have to focus more on wrapping it around a theme.


Also, here's something else I noticed. I noticed this time when it came time for the RPGC, that almost all of the RPG's were barely establishing themselves. AMG was the farthest along but Anarchy and Atlantis were barely scratching the surface of their storylines. I'm seeing the winning RPG's have more intense and complicated storylines that I don't see getting done within the 3 months between contests. That pushes them to either go faster or win the next contest but if they do get booted out, then their is no time for completion or even a good ending. Maybe instead of having the Contest 4 times a year maybe drop down to 3. Do a contest every 4 months instead of every 3 months. That'd allow for more time while still giving a reasonable amount of contests during the year.


Just my 2 cents.



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Personally I think that the number of RPGs that could win is fine, but the RPG's lifeline between contests could be improved, as Dwin stated.


And two days-two entries... oh it'll fine, people'll flock in sooner or later.

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I agree with Dwin on a number of points. However, everyone remembers The Academy, correct? That was huge. That was massive. I had hundreds of pages. Why? I can't just be because it was a good concept.


AHC was huge, despite the lack of a leader. What draws people to play an RPG?


My theory, is that in the Academy and A Hollow Cry, was a feeling of importance! I'm just shooting around, but looking through the old topics, I get a feeling that these people playing felt important! I'm just grasping for smoke here, but perhaps we would get more involvement if people could get more involved?


Anyway, with the Software RPGs gone, I think more winners would definitely help the forum more active. More choices...I can only see postive results spawning from this.


And I think the themes should only apply to reentering RPGs. New RPGs should be exempt.

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And I think the themes should only apply to reentering RPGs. New RPGs should be exempt.

I like a lot of what I'm seeing so far, and I'll be sure to talk about everything more at some point. But I was just curious Seraphim as to your reasoning behind this suggestion. I'm not sure I see your meaning there.

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And I think the themes should only apply to reentering RPGs. New RPGs should be exempt.

I like a lot of what I'm seeing so far, and I'll be sure to talk about everything more at some point. But I was just curious Seraphim as to your reasoning behind this suggestion. I'm not sure I see your meaning there.


I think what he's getting at there is that some of the newer RPGs have a great concept that might get messed up if they had to apply a theme to it.

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ToT is close, but what I meant really was the fact that a continuing RPG often has an easier time putting new concepts into it than a new entry. A new entry has to not only think up a great, original idea, but they also have to think up how to fit into the theme. While that may be the point, it may also ruin a great idea by unbalancing it.


With a returning RPG, they already have the idea part covered. No problems there. Figuring out how to incorperate(SP) a new idea into is a lot easier to do than starting from scratch.


Oftentimes, some games take the theme to another level. Basing their entire game around the theme may sound like a good idea, but very rarely do such games win.


Perhaps when contest rolls around, we could have two seperate categories. One for games running with the theme and one for non-themed games, except there would only be two winners chosen for this category.


There would also have to be some sort of...bribe, for lack of a better word, that would entice people to follow the theme rather than not.

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