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Halo 3

Black Six


I know I said I was going to try to post entries more often, but there's a perfectly good reason why it been a while since my last update: a little game called Halo 3. My last entry was on September 20th and Halo 3 came out on the 25th. In between those dates I was visiting some friends at school and beating Bioshock (great game). Then of course on the night of the 24th I went to my local Electronic Boutique and got on line for the midnight release. It was pretty fun, the store bought pizza and soda for everyone, we turned on the TV at a nearby Verizon FiOS TV kiosk and watched the Titans destroy the Saints, and talked about how we were all looking forward to the game. Midnight came, I got my Legendary Edition and drove home. I had taken the day off of work, so no distractions. I put in the disc, launched the campaign, and started going. Eleven hours later, I finally put the controller down and watched the final cut scene, credits, and the real final cut scene. I was definitely pleased with the game, I had a lot of fun playing through on Heroic, and thought the story was great. It's funny how attached you find yourself to the characters by the third installment, there were definitely some really emotional parts, although I won't spoil anything.


Since then, it's been a lot of multiplayer action. Please note that I do not consider myself 'good' by any means. I have my on and off games, and generally try to be a good supporting team player. If you ever want to hit me up on Live, my Gamertag is Black 5ix. I really like most of the new maps, although I've never been a fan of Zanzibar (now Last Resort). High Ground is my favorite, I think, along with Narrows and Isolation. Epitaph is nice too, and Construct, while an interesting idea, usually ends up with players staying on the top level. The Pit is nice, but I only have payed it on 2v2 where it seems too big. Snowbound is well-balanced, but I don't enjoy it for some reason, and Valhalla should be 5v5 or bigger only, I think. 4v4 on that map gets hard because of how spread out things get. I have no real opinion of Sandtrap, as I haven't played a real game on it yet. The Elephant looks fun though.


Tonight I went back and played some more campaign, I'm trying to go back and find all the skulls and pick up a couple more Achievements. I'm kind of annoyed though, twice I used the Trip Mine to destroy vehicles and didn't get the associated award, anyone know what's up with that? I got through the first three levels, I think I'll go for the next three tomorrow.


So that's where I've been and will be, I think this game is going to keep my attention for quite some time.


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But have you seen the real -real- final cinematic after Legendary? ;)


I personally love Last Resort. The Pit is another favorite. Valhalla is still a bit big for regular slayer, I'd like Snowbound if I hadn't played it every game in the Beta; High Ground is a great one too.


And supposedly you can't get the 15,000 point achievement while doing co-op. :/

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Good luck getting those skulls, cuz that samurai armor is sick.


And when you play sandtrap, make sure that two players have an elephant-sumo-wrestling match.


And for the record, I don't own a 360, but I have friends who do.

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Well, I stuck to my plan, did the middle three levels last night and the last three tonight. All the Skulls (silver and gold) have been collected. Apparently I didn't view all of the Terminals to the end, so I need to go back and finish that up. Then I'll go back to focusing on multiplayer and trying to get better at the game, heh.


And Cursive, I'm not saying it's a classic work of literature, but the storyline is definitely better than most other games on the market, especially if you're into it and read the books. At least in my opinion.

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The elephant is AWESOME! Especially with big team battles. my friends and I basically had like 4 people in each elephant and had a war. :P Due to my flawed skills in driving massive portable bases, I ran over all of our enemies by mistake. Cool.

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I'm not saying it's a classic work of literature


"And thus rightly did the skilled Lord Chief weild his mighty sword...and hath chop off the aggresive Brute head from the body."


or something that makes no sense

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