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Weekly Update - 7/9

Black Six



Back again for another week. I guess that means you should be updated. Do people actually like these, or is it just a wasted exercise? Let me know in the comments.



We had another wonderful Hero Factory review last weekend, courtesy of Darth Vader. These sets don't seem to be all that bad. You can expect another review this weekend, though it won't be Hero Factory. We will be reviewing more of those sets though, so keep your eyes peeled.


There's been a bunch of Hero Factory web content recently, including a podcast and a video promo. Doesn't seem to be quite as all-out as 2001 was for Bionicle, but it's a pretty decent campaign.


On the BZPower front, be sure to check out the 2010 Library Summer Olympics Lots of fun events, and prizes to be won!


Back to LEGo stuff, check out their latest survey. I found the results from the last one interesting - you guys really got your voices heard. Wasn't that so much better and easier than petitions and sending LEGO email or boycotting or what have you? They know we exist, and they did even before the survey. What they're going to do about it remains to be seen.


Outside of BZPower, things have been very busy so as to keep me from doing much on the site. We're getting ready for the anniversary though, don't worry!



1) Enjoyed the Reach beta?


2) 360 Slim: Good or Bad?


3) I'm thinking of getting a new phone, got any suggestions that are NOT Apple or Google? It'll be in the Sprint network.


4) Played any of the Steam games yet? (For the record, I challenge you to a one-on-one Source game battle, your Mac against my PC. Take your pick, Team Fortress 2 or Counter-Strike: Source... that's about all they released to Mac in Multiplayer so far.)


5) Now for some generic questions for you to gnaw on: Which is the hardest genre to review for, Hero Factory or Ben 10?


6) Google or Bing?


7) Dumb question, built anything decent lately?

1) Of course, it was awesome.

2) I'm planning on getting one with the Kinect this Fall.

3) No, Android and iOS are pretty much the top contenders in my opinion.

4) I downloaded Portal for Mac, haven't played it yet (I've played Portal before, just not on my Mac yet).

5) Probably Ben 10.

6) Google.

7) Nope - most of my LEGO is still in storage.


1. Why'd you change your avatar? :3

1. Sometimes it's just time for a change.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And with that I leave you guys for the weekend. Have a good one, and enjoy the sun and summer while it's here!


Recommended Comments

What is with all of the staff avatar changes anyway? What's the theme from?



I might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure it's Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. :notsure:

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Do people actually like these, or is it just a wasted exercise? Let me know in the comments.

I like reading them. It helps that you have that nice big link in your sig to remind me when you're updated.

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Do people actually like these, or is it just a wasted exercise?


I like it; I read it every week I can; and the updates are good; and collect most things that happen that week...


Unless the news updates after you post it; like this entry. ;)


But it's a very good thing to have the Weekly updates, in my opinion. =)

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I forget. You are?


I totally forgot about the anniversary approaching... and I haven't had time to get you anything. :(


Or have I gotten something? :evilgrin:


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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Yeah, these updates are nice. I don't really read news all that much [except set reviews], so it's nice to have a weekly summary [plus the MailBag is enjoyable to read].



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Do people actually like these, or is it just a wasted exercise? Let me know in the comments.

I do like the Weekly Updates a lot. They are a nice summary and make one look forward to next week´s new stuff.


~Gata. ;)

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