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Weekly Update - 10/22

Black Six



It has been a long week over here. I hope it's treated you guys better. But anyway, I guess I need to update you guys.



People found some teaser sites for some upcoming LEGO themes: Ninjago and Pharaoh's Quest. They both look like really interesting revamps of older themes. I can't wait to see the sets themselves.


In other news, LEGO has asked the Ambassadors to get some feedback from the AFOLs and TFOLs of the LEGO community. Tell them what you think! They appreciate you sharing your thoughts and listen to all the feedback.


Speaking of Ambassadors - LEGO has revamped the program. BZPower has begun gathering the information necessary to submit an application. Assuming we are accepted, we will figure out a way to select an Ambassador to represent BZPower.


I think that's all I have for tonight.




1. If you could personally pick any Lego theme, what would it be?

2. Would you revive Bionicle?

3. Least favorite thing about BZP?

4. Have you seen 'How To Train Your Dragon'?

5. Why do you reply to PMs on the top rather then bottom?

6. Favorite Emoticon?

7. Movie?

8. TVshow?

9. Food brand?

10. Electronic?

1. Other than Bionicle I might go with the original Aquanauts.

2. Were it my choice? Yes, but there would definitely be changes made.

3. Not having enough time to spend on it.

4. No.

5. Because that's how emails work, and I view PMs as a special kind of email.

6. ;)

7. The Shawshank Redemption.

8. Farscape.

9. I can't say I really pay close attention to food brands.

10. Apple.



I have a few questions:


1) What upcoming movies are you looking forward to?

2) What do you think of the BBC contests?

Here's a tough one:

3)Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny? (:Just Wondering:)

4a) How long do you believe BZPower will last?

4b) Do you think you will still be Administrator by then?

5) Will the topic format change in the future?

1) I really can't think of any that I'm excited about.

2) I think they're pretty great but that some people don't take them seriously.

3) Bugs Bunny.

4a) That is a very good question - I have no idea.

4b) I sure hope not.

5) I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't think so.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Have a good weekend BZPower. I'm going to do my best to do the same. Feedback, questions, comments, etc are always appreciated.


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