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Bionicle's Genre Discussion Continued...

This is a continuation of a tangential in-depth discussion that started in the discussion topic for the new Bionicle Generation 1 Misconceptions project. That topic was not meant for extended debates or the like, so I'm asking participants to continue it elsewhere (by PM or topic is what I suggested... problem with a PM is it can't be viewed by anybody who's curious, and so far none of them have decided to make a topic... it would also be weird to have a bunch of quotes from a different topic in



Micro-Bionicle, and 2 sketches

I've just launched an LDDE MOC project to make lotsa Bionicle stuff at Minifig and similar scales, as System MOCs (primarily). I'm starting mostly with Rahi, and the first batch is up! Plus, a Kini-Nui is thrown in.     Going with one of the MOCs, and releasing early, is some more art for my retelling:   And in case you missed it, recently I also released a sketch of the Mask of Creation.   Enjoy!



Bionicle Retelling is Here!

Beginning of the intro comments copied from the review topic's firstpost:   The Bionicle is the bio-chronicle, the records and legends of life of the Agori alien species and its various subspecies, and primarily the artificial sapient lifeforms known as Matoran and the other inhabitants of the Matoran Universe. One of the most important themes in the official Bionicle story is destiny. And such is the stuff of this story. I have sought to tell a brand new story with new mysteries, and yet blend



Coming This Week!

I'm officially ready to post the first chapter at least of my Bionicle retelling. Ran into a new problem in reposting the end of my previous fanfic, The Perfect Cage (apparently BZP has drastically shortened the maximum post length since the latest software update, and the final chapter and epilogue got cut off). Will repost final bit of epilogue tomorrow. Then I will get The Destiny of Bionicle up.   After posting the first chapter this week, I plan to post one chapter per week, at least until



Taia = Matoran Universe

So, I have gotten to the part of my retelling where Makuta takes over, and I "discovered" (having apparently never consciously noticed) that officially, he nicknames the MU the "Makutaverse" at that time. I like the idea of him naming it after himself, but Makutaverse sounds hopelessly silly. For one thing, it's a fusion of both English and Matoran.   I got to thinking, though -- what if I come up with a Matoran word for "universe", and mix THAT with Makuta?   Looking into the Maori, I found a w



Retelling Updates

Some quick updates about the progress on the retelling of all Bionicle history that I'm working on (The Destiny of Bionicle):   1) Artists still wanted! Top priority is art that applies for the pre-Core War period up to the Shattering (first 10 chapters).   2) That is because I have decided to try reeeeally hard to begin posting before February is up, whether or not I finish the entire story yet. Assuming I can get the needed art (I'm doing some myself, a few artists have expressed interest in d



Who Made Brutaka Mahri?

I realize this is a longshot, and unsure if this is the best place to ask, but I've been trying to figure out how to find and contact the MOCist/artist who made this image of Brutaka in Mahri Nui, for permission to use in my Bionicle retelling:   http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Makuta7/Brutaka/brutaka2.jpg   It's been very confusing; one person I asked told me he wasn't the originator, and doesn't know who was. (On deviantart.) Most other references appear to be on wikis, where the member who



ARTISTS WANTED! Bionicle Retelling Art Wishlist Updates

My retelling of the entire Bionicle history is fast approaching completion. I have only 15 (planned) chapters (of 90) to go now; the Toa Mahri are entering Mahri Nui for the first (rather unfortunate) time.   The biggest hurdle left for my story is missing artwork for many things. I'm doing some of it myself, but continue to have some that I'm offering for any artist out there to do and send me. It'll have to be quick now as I want to get this posting soon. Here's the current (updated from previ



EM Tyrants Results Repost

Wayback on the old forum we had a contest to decide the powers and appearances of the Tyrant species in the Expanded Multiverse (rulers of the volcanic planet Tanuuk). Someone asked in the discussion topic where the list of their powers is. Answer is it WAS in a topic in the archived S&T, which is now blank, and apparently we never put it up on the wiki (which is now offline due to webs.com no longer offering that function, but I couldn't find it in my backup of the wiki either). So I guess



Art Wishlist, Doctor Who, and other updates

[NOTE TO ARTISTS! Be sure to read the blue text at the end!]   Wow I have a blog don't I?!   Sorry for forgetting about this for so long. Been very busy.   Updates:   -Huzzah for Netflix! Have watched all kinds of things, like some episodes of Monk I somehow never saw, the glory of the original A-Team (etc.), Battlestar Galactica (both versions), in progress of watching episodes here and there from every series of Star Trek (never did get to see all the originals -- woot!), and most recently go



Working RPG Link

fishers64 has found a working download link for my Bionicle Paracosmos RPG computer game, The Map of Mata Nui. A lot of people have asked me to get it back up, but turns out it's not necessary, as the old Software Library had one.   LINK | ANOTHER   Yes, I still plan to finish up the loose ends and post a new version. It's proving harder to get around to than I thought, sorry. But the whole main plot is in this version.   Edit: And here's the walkthroughs, BTW:   Paracosmos RPG Game: The Map Of



To Cure Hiccups (for real)

I have noticed that the most effective, simple cure for (normal) hiccups is extremely rarely known, and even when it is known, it's usually not explained properly. I figured this out over the years by simple logic from the explanations in the news of what normal hiccups are, and have been testing it successfully for years. So here it is (basics in bold for easy skimming).   Hiccups are essentially muscle spasms in the diaphragm -- the muscle that forms the "floor" of the lungs and is one of two



Next General Art Theme? LDD, BP updates, etc.

So, my initial proofreading of my next Paracosmos story, The Perfect Cage, is finally done. My brother may be reading it if he has time first, and I should make some art for it and stuff, but otherwise should launch fairly soon.   Don't forget to enter the S&T contest, everybody!   Sorry I've been a bit slow in proofreading the ones some of you PMed to me, but don't hesitate to do that if you want. I will try to be very thorough and check as many details as I can, so it can take a while, but



The Legend of the Bionic Lull

Today the Bones Blog brings you a spoofish attempt to combine punny versions of Bionicle names with their trope functions in-story, summarizing the entire Bionicle storyline in a way that might help you remember Bionicle, might make you laugh, or might make you long for pie jokes. Enjoy!   In the Time Before Microwaves, the Giant Sprite Bottle descended from the sky. His name was Matthew Dewey. Inside the Giant Sprite Bottle, many bionic Matthewians lived, working to keep Matthew healthy.   But



Contest Extension And Lost Incident Theory

Firstly, the General Art contest, LEGO Battlescapes, had been extended by two weeks, to Tuesday May 8, at 11:59 PM EST.   Enter!     Second, still writing The Perfect Cage. The end is in sight now.   Third, now that taxes are done I hope to start getting some Expanded Multiverse stuff back up later this week. Watch the discussion topic in S&T for updates. Not sure how much I'll be able to get to this week but what is needed includes putting up a saved copy of the wiki in downloadable form



Goblin Sharks

I HAD NO IDEA THESE THINGS EXISTED!!!!!!   They're awesome!   Look them up. Cool.   But how is it possible these things aren't all over Shark Week and school textbooks and the like, unlike Hammerheads whose alien awesomeness is all over the place?   This must be corrected at once.       In Other News:   --Working half on taxes right now, and ten halves on writing the next Paracosmos story, The Perfect Cage. I almost have the theory that I write better when I'm supposed to be doing something e



Artists? Yall Alive?

About one month left in the General Art contest, and zero, yes, zero entries so far.   Are there people out there working on entries?   Should I extend the deadline?   What?   ?   Thoughts? I went for the contest after several people expressed interest in entering that theme, so... a little confused.



18, Not 17, Dynasty Forgotten, Rpg Plans, Etc.

Random updates:   1) So it turns out there actually already was a seventeenth art contest, which simply wasn't listed in the archive, making the current one the eighteenth. Working on fixing that everywhere... [Edit: Should all be fixed now. Lemme know if yall spot an error still.]   2) Since I just posted another Altacosmos, I was in the mood to review the previous two ones on the old forum, and discovered that apparently I never posted the fifth and final chapter of the second one, The Dynast



The Islander Short Story & More

So I've been launching stuff left and right this week.   The one I most want people to see is my brand-new Altacosmos (standalone) short story. Clicky banner for link:     I started a poll: Did You Use DesignByMe?   Launched the first General Art contest since it changed to a LEGO-in-general focus (and since I took it over):     Documented LEGO Universe:     And finally, reposted my collection topic:     And in case you missed it, scroll down here for the Best of the Bones Blog archive.



Best Of The Bones Blog Archive

Hiyall and welcome to the list of links to my all-time favorite Bones Blog entries, from the very start loooooong ago. This entry will replace the messed-up and prone-to-disappearing sidebar archive and will be linked in my sig. I've listed slightly different titles here than what are in the actual entries in some cases for clarity's sake.     Comedies & Cartoons: Interview: Evil Clock   Interview: Evil Lord Survurlode   Interview: The Chief Gremlin, Minion Of Survurlode   Interview: Gollaga



Requesting Help With Key To Nongu Archive

Hey, this is a super-quick entry simply asking someone to PM me the list of URLs, titles, and authors of the Key to Nongu winners (listed in a blog sidebar here), re-coded into BB code to be legible.   I edited it yesterday and of course that made it disappear from my view, and editting it turned it all into a jumbled mess of HTML, and I don't have time to fix it now.   Do so and thanks-cred will go in the post I'm going to add into the S&T One-Stop topic to include the archive instead of



Ninjago Compared To Bionicle And Hero Factory

I've been wanting to say this for a while now, but had no particular place to put it, so here it is.   There's been a lot of discussion lately about two major things:   1) Reasons Bionicle got unweildy near the end.   2) Criticisms and opinions of Ninjago.   In my opinion, some of the criticisms of Bionicle's later years are right on, and I think Ninjago has so far been a highly refreshing reform of those problems. Hero Factory started out to replace Bionicle, but I think Ninjago has passed it



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