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Voting Booth -- Neglected!




Lately I've noticed a trend on BZPower--it seems that the Voting Booth Forum gets very little attention. Polls are a valuable tool, at least for BZP, and sometimes even for the LEGO company (although we must always keep in mind BZP represents a minority). But they become worthless if only around ten people vote in them. Lately it seems many polls suffer from this disease.

The problem? The MVPs--the "Most Valuable Polls" get buried in a slew of polls that are less important. From now on, if I have time, I'll keep a very short list in this blog of what I think are the Most Valuable Polls--the ones that lotsa folks should be voting in. :)


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I'd agree with you on the voting booth popularity. However, this past few days, it's been honking with activity, just check out the violence poll! Also, the brown poll got on the top ten hot topics (and even got to #1.) Maybe VB is getting gradually more popular because of the ability to make polls for normal members.
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The Voting Booth Forum? What's that?




Well, usually I don't check out the Voting Booth forum because there are a ton of "less interesting" polls in there. But you're right--so I'll probably start checking it out more often.


And a list of Most Valuable Polls would be great. I'd be sure to check those out.

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Yeah that is a shame. I don't normally go to the voting booth a lot as one member said, I should go there more often.

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Hecks yeah! Go for it! I used to be rediculously involved in the Voting Booth section, and I've been lazing off recently, I don't know why. I guess it's because I was spending all my time in the Avatar Above You thread. Only it's closed now. And I need to get back into my Garoove. But seriously. The Voting Booth is obviously the best forum in the entire world. I think that people need to use them way more often. Make me look less silly.

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