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U F O Theory -- Ionic Triangle Stealth Craft




So I wanted to post something besides the usual essay today but couldn't think of anything fast enough. This is a fallback I've had ready for a while, ever since an old (dead) COT topic. Plus someone else was blogging about UFOs so why not (see Czar's blog).

Now, the UFOs in question here aren't the flying saucers. It's the giant, silent triangle craft with three running lights. There have been sightings all over the country, and I even know someone who claims to have seen one. This description is near-universal. It seems unlikely to me that it's made up.

Well, a few months ago, there was an episode of Mythbusters that gave me an idea:


Why I Think This is Plausible

First of all, everybody's probably going "But what about ET?" Well, the answer is ET is working for us, and Rahkshi don't have running lights last I checked.

But seriously, I don't think any of the alien ideas are actual plausible theories. That doesn't mean it's impossible -- believe me, I'd love it if there were aliens and if they had wacky enough technology to actually come here. But there's three huge problems with the idea:

1) Statistics. Statistically the chances of life-supporting planets being close enough to us for a sublight trip here (and then only to fly around trying not to be seen) are pretty unlikely. Never mind the fact that in both major origins worldviews, logically, it's unlikely that aliens exist at all, but that's a subject we can't get into here (and is full of confusion among the populus). Statistics for the homes of aliens are an even bigger problem.

2) Travel time. Let's assume that there's an intelligent, highly advanced alien civ on a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Unlikely, but pretend. They would have to spend hundreds of thousands of years to get here as sublight speeds, since there's an upper speed limit called the speed of light. Matter cannot reach or surpass this speed. So unless some aliens figured out how to make warp drive a reality, it's unlikely they'd come here.

3) Least likely scenario. There's two main possibilities for these UFOs IMO: (1) They're classified aircraft, and (2) They're aliens. Since we know the US de-classifies aircraft every once in a while, we can assume they have classified aircraft right now. So for both the silent triangles and flying saucers, isn't it logical to conclude the UFOs are most likely classified aircraft?

The argument I see so often is "Here's evidence that there's really a UFO.... Therefore aliens are real." That makes no sense, really. Evidence that an unidentified flying object really is flying, and really is unidentified, is just that -- evidence that something's in the air that we don't know what it is. It's a giant logical leap to say it proves aliens. No, I would argue that it barely even implies them.

I think a much better argument is "Here's evidence of UFOs, and also, we can assume USA has classified aircraft. Putting two and two together, UFOs are probably just classified aircraft."

And then, the triangle shape of this theory would explain one of the types we hear about so often. :)

*waits for government to storm house*


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If you did reach light speed, the smallest speck of debris would literally make the ship explode.

And now it's possible to reach the speed of light, because scientists have discovered a means by which to slow down light, even stop it entirely.

What I find funny about that is this: if light was going at 0 mph, it couldn't reach your eyes.


"Watch now, as I stop light; entirely!" *click*

"Wow, that's amazing! It looked like you just turned the lights off!"

"Err, yeah..."

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Got tired of maj being offline so put the craft pic on bshelf for now.



But if aliens were hostile, wouldn't they have destroyed us already? :P


Anyways, I agree with you that U.F.O's are most likely military planes. What better place to test them than in rural areas (isn't that where most sightings are :P ).


But Bones, if U.F.O's are actually classified planes, how would you explain people sighting them in public areas. Have you seen footage of U.F.O sightings in Mexico City, Mexico? What pilot would expose his "Top Secret" plane to the masses? He/She would have to be a total moron.



1) Not if they're scouts, though I think you might have been joking. :P


2) Pretty sure that is where most sightings are, yes. But there have been exceptions.


3) Haven't seen footage no. But what kind of craft was it, and BTW, we can't assume all UFOs are from the US. :P There are other people in the world yanno, lol. But assuming for the sake of discussion that it was ours, I doubt the plan was to let it be seen. Missions of any kind, classified or not, can easily go wrong (and do).


I still think that some UFOs are real. I doubt the gov would cover up a bunch of stuff and presumably kill off some peoploe if there really hadn't been any alien crashes.

Well of course they're "real." :P Classified vehicles would be "real", no? And governments cover stuff up all the time. Part of their nature. CIA, yanno?


If you did reach light speed, the smallest speck of debris would literally make the ship explode.

And now it's possible to reach the speed of light, because scientists have discovered a means by which to slow down light, even stop it entirely.

What I find funny about that is this: if light was going at 0 mph, it couldn't reach your eyes.


"Watch now, as I stop light; entirely!" *click*

"Wow, that's amazing! It looked like you just turned the lights off!"

"Err, yeah..."

If you had deflector arrays like in Star Trek, though, or forcefields of some powerful kind, debris wouldn't be an issue. :P


And lol.

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I was joking, kind of... :P


About the footage, you might find it on the History Channel on "U.F.O Hunters". I think the UFO was just a series of lights flying together. (That's what all UFO's are anyways. :P)


I remember that episode of Mythbusters but the USAF has tested these things in the past but they were just uncontrollable and useless. Though, the USAF probably has even better prototypes by now. :P


For some reason, the design of the aircraft seems pretty unstable and if it were to fly, the engines would need to be so powerful that it would be past the point where aerodynamics have an effect on controllability.



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No, they're trying to stay hidden because they're secretly infiltrating our society and infesting us so that we become their slaves. *coughAnimorphs&Yeerkscough*


Naw, this was actually a cool entry to read. :)



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I still think that some UFOs are real. I doubt the gov would cover up a bunch of stuff and presumably kill off some peoploe if there really hadn't been any alien crashes.

Well of course they're "real." :P Classified vehicles would be "real", no? And governments cover stuff up all the time. Part of their nature. CIA, yanno?

Shuddup you know what I meant. The UFO's I'm talking about are alien spaceships :)

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*waits for government to storm house*


Bones knows too much, evac now! Postpone until next week! :P


And besides, the reason why the Government would test around areas where it is likely to be seen is because people would tell others, it would be too incredible to belive, and denounced as insane. Less suspicion that way. Or is that what they want you to belive?


*Makes alluminum hat*

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