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Cipher Chronicles Teaser, New Species Info, Denizens Results



Hey, Multiverse fans, got some goodies for you today. :) First, Swert is making good progess on the next Cipher Chronicles episode, and he wanted me to tease the prologue today. :) Here you go!


For the moment, this story is untitled. Swert wants your opinions for a title. Add comments.


This episode is set on the volcanic Tyrant planet of Tanuuk, focusing on Khiri and Bajnok's attempts to escape that planet and join Team Cipher. Swert also says: "(and for fun, mention the fact this is the first time in a long time I've written something)" And I'd like to add that it is in his classic rapidfire intense style, like a souped-up version of Greg's serials style. I think yall'll love it. :D




Cipher Chronicles Episode #2 Prologue

Panic ran into the mind of the young Matoran. He knew that he had only escaped temporarily.


He didn't know what had hit him as he left, but it was cold, felt wet, and stuck to his body like glue. He had heard tales from his fellow brethren that there was a Toa who could shoot someone with his Toa tool and know exactly where they were.


Unfortunately for this one Matoran, the tales were correct.


Slowly, he was approached by the Toa the myths spoke of.


"You can run, little Matoran," said the Toa, "but hiding is never an option against Toa Merx."


Hours after the capture, the Matoran was placed on a ferry boat heading for a penal colony, where he would spend quite a lengthy time. Toa Merx knew he would be back, but if he tried it again, they'd send him back. It didn't make sense for his employers to kill any of the workforce. After all, if they did, they'd be one Matoran short, and that'd mean a chance for Merx to become one of them.


Shrugging this off, he left and began looking out for more escapees. Almost immediately he found a Skakdi. Jumping into action, he watched cautiously. He couldn't allow even one being escape.


After all, he thought, nobody can leave Tanuuk alive. Not even me.






Next up, we have the Denizens Results Topic!





Finally, new info on species in the Multiverse! The following is what is being added to the Aethion Wiki Species page. It includes new information on Dendrokan and Troak species, as well as information on three new species invented by Denizens winners. :) Enjoy!




Aethion Species:



Nurops -- NOO-rahps

Kuusha's eyebrain species. Shaped like metal versions of Koosh balls (521 thin arms) with a single large biological eye. Extremely talented at making predictions and calculations based on what they see. Rare. Color: Metallics only, but eyes come in any color. Have no elemental association.


Dendrokan -- DEHN-droh-kahn

Tall and lanky species, tend to be pastel colors. Wear helmets. Weight of an Agori but height of a Glatorian. Lightbulb-shaped heads. Excellent climbers. Fairly common. They have rough elemental associations, with some modifications. They usually live high in trees, steep hilltops, cliff-face caves, or other locations that require climbing to reach; this is their natural defense against predatory Rahi or thieves, etc.


Colors, assocations, and physical/mental specialties:

Mint (Wind association, understand wind well)

Pale Blue (Water, female, good swimmers, slightly webbed feet and hands)

Pink (Heat, female, less vulnerable to temperature elevation changes)

Cream Orange (Earth, longer, strong fingers and toe grip earthen walls and hillsides well, less risk of creating avalanchesl)

Cyan (Cold, understand ice and snow well, rarely fall when climbing it)

Yellow (Light, eyes shine brighter, work like flashlights)

Lavender (Shadow, see subtle tone changes, for example can see footholds in rock walls well)

Light Gray (Rock, understand rock well, rarely try to grip loose chunks when climbing)

Tan (Sand, wide feet with long toes, grip sand well, climb steep dunes easily)


Troak -- TROH-ahk

Brute's species, bulky, Toa-height, all have minor elemental powers, but ones with big OOMPH, like Cyclone. Wear and use masks. Troak come in all main canon and EM elements. They're most common on Izumal but live in various places.



Le: Cyclone -- summon and control tornados

Ga: Cloudburst -- make clouds turn into deluges

Ta: Fire rain -- make the sky rain fire bolts

Ko: Hailstorm -- summon & control ice from sky

Po: Sandstone -- control sand & cement it

Onu: Earthwaves -- make sea-style waves in soil

Av: Aurora -- obscure a place with wavy lights

Kra: Eclipse -- fill an area with darkness

Fe: Corrosion -- rust proto-iron, etc.

De: Subthunder -- rattle an area with subsonic booms

Ba: Crushslow -- intense gravity, slows time down slightly except for user

Io: Sunflare -- create microstars that shoot solar flares

Neh: Wildpoles -- scramble compasses and slightly move metals

Vi: Forestsurge -- summon a new forest to rapidly grow

Et: Strikezone -- summon rapid lightning striking same area

Ce: Nightmare -- telepathic wave of chaotic imagery & telekinesis

Vo: Sandstorm -- summon a sandstorm

Kru: Spikecoat -- grow crystal layer on everything in an area

Hy: Sizzlemarsh -- make land filled with puddles of acid

Ig: Volcano -- summon a small volcanic eruption from underground

Nu: Chaos -- speed things up randomly in an area

Fos: Poisoncloud -- sulfuric vapor cloud, can stun and corrode

Au: Pyrite -- make clumpy gold crystals grow all over an area

Ag: Psiocage -- silver mind-resonant lattice webs or cages that disrupt powers

Gi: Lakewalker -- give water mercury properties, user can walk on it

Em: Anomalysense -- the only passive power; user senses Olmak Effect


Draco sapiens

A centaur-like species with four legs and two arms, as well as two small wings. All have a slight levitation power, that requires most of their concentration to use. Each elemental type has a slight amount of elemental control, which they can channel through Toa-tool-style weapons.


Different elements have different size wings and legs, although there can be variety within each element too. Ta-Draco sapiens (or Ta-Dracos for short) like Galafractus have small wings and powerful legs, as do most elemental types. They cannot fly, but their wings can flap open as a fright-defense by instinct. To an extent, these small wings can also help most Draco types run faster.


Le-Dracos for have large wings and small legs, so they can fly easily. Ba-Dracos are similar; their wings are smaller so they have trouble staying aloft by wings alone, but their levitation power is also much easier to use, so they can hover up, then use their wings to move forward, or glide short distances. Psionics Dracos have only medium wings useful for faster running or very short gliding, but they can levitate other objects along with themselves, and levitating themselves alone is fairly easy. Kinetics Dracos also have big wings similar to Le-Dracos, and can fly very fast.


There is a Barrawahi Clan made up mostly of Dracos, called the Draconic clan.



A brawny mole-like species that associates with the “foundational elements” (Stone, Earth, Iron, etc.). They have very strong senses of smell. It is a myth among non-Teralpids that their vision is bad. Their vision is really more like an extreme version of Onu-Matoran vision; they see well in extreme darkness, but very poorly in full daylight. They can also "eat" soil, rock, and clay, absorbing nutrients from them. All have tusks and claws of various sizes and styles.


The known elements of Teralpids are Stone, Earth, Ice (very rare, have slightly better day-vision and live deep underneath the ice layers on Ko-Clysmax, far from the influence of the Ice King), Iron, Plant Life (rare, live among root-entwined caves, on Atohune especially), Sand, Crystal (somewhat rare), Lava (rare, can't actually live in lava itself), Sulfur, and Silver. There are also rumored Gold Teralpids that are supposedly very rich, rich enough to build deep cave fortresses that they can keep secret, but if so, they don't associate with outsiders.


An example of a Teralpid is Vonuk, a miner on Onu-Clysmax. Vonuk is a good reference for average shape and size, but with tusks of the smaller variety. Teralpid feet may or may not have claws. Colors pretty much vary with their elements like most other beings. Average height ranges from around 6-8 feet tall – so they can stand from just shorter to just taller than the average Toa. Brawny does not necessarily mean bulky, depending on the individual. Females tend to be leaner and somewhat shorter, with smaller tusks.


On Barrawahi, many Teralpids practice the consumption of their fallen enemies’ weapons, believing they will gain some of their adversaries’ strength. Even those that don’t believe in this myth will engage in this practice as a symbolic show of strength.



A rare species that's almost never seen, known for their ability to move incredibly fast -- even faster than a Toa wearing a Kakama -- but also being physically very weak. Levoctus are almost totally mechanical, except for vital organs.


Apparently each Levoctus has its own unique minor power in addition to being able to move fast. Not much else is known about them, because they are so rare. An example of one is Atrumnis; he has never been seen using his minor power so it's unknown at this time.


Recommended Comments

Uh...... Title suggestions.

How about Unlikely Escapees.

Or By Tooth and Claw (refering to Bajnok's teeth and Khiri's claw like hands).



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So the next Cipher Chronicles chapter is going to be a hyperkinetic action fest? I'm liking it already. :D


As for titles...

Condemned to the Inferno? A bit too long I guess...

Hand of Imprisonment? (Referring to the shape of Tanuuk's landmass, like an iron fist over the world.)


Yeah, I'm just pulling these outta nowhere. It's hard to think of a title when you only have a short prologue and a smaller background on it. Good luck. :P

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Oh trust me, it's even harder for the author to come up with a title.


I guess I know how most of them feel now. Let's face it, not every book can have imaginative titles, such as "2001" (2010, 2061, 3001...) and "The Hobbit."


See, this is why I am stuck for words; I can't just say "Agori and the Skakdi." Doesn't quite roll off the tongue. And anything with the name Tanuuk in it ruins the title as well.


But I like the idea of describing the setting. I'll keep working on it, keep pitching ideas.




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Ooh! Ooh! I gotta a title! How about Prisoners for Life?



Problem with that is, it's easy to escape Tanuuk.


You have a few choices:


1. Throw yourself into magma


2. Escape and die in the attempt


3. Find an Olmak Effect and jump in


4. Escape via the underground Slave route.


Of them, which would most slaves prefer? Probably the first. It's quicker.


And if you think this is not a good idea, consider you're looking from the point of view of free people. Slaves are not free on Tanuuk.

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Escape: There's An App For That!


Or, more seriously:


Pact Over Fire (Like mind over matter, but Bajnok and Khiri make a pact to escape Tanuuk. It's a bit confusing, though, yeah. Something to work from, at least.)

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By Tooth and Claw (refering to Bajnok's teeth and Khiri's claw like hands).

Hand of Imprisonment? (Referring to the shape of Tanuuk's landmass, like an iron fist over the world.)

Pact Over Fire (Like mind over matter, but Bajnok and Khiri make a pact to escape Tanuuk. It's a bit confusing, though, yeah. Something to work from, at least.)

I like these the best. :) Can’t come up with a good title myself – as a writer, I share the same burden.


So I see you took the liberty of elaborating on the Teralpid species :P


I must say, you interpreted “foundational elements” a lot differently than I did – for example, I probably wouldn’t have made the elemental associations distinct and probably wouldn’t have included Ice and Plant Life, but Gravity and maybe Magnetism. Though in retrospect, I really don’t care for that idea anyway :P

So, yeah, I’d say you came up with a fairly good list for elements.


I think adding a general physical description would be a good addition – I mean, Vonuk is a good reference for average shape and size, but I always imagined a fair amount of room for variation. For example, all Teralpids possess tusks and claws of varying size and style – Vonuk’s tusks and claws are of the smaller variety – and their feet may or may not be clawed as well. Colors pretty much vary with their elements like most other beings. Also, the average height ranges from around 6-8 feet tall – so they can stand from just shorter to just taller than the average Toa :)


Also, I’ve been playing around with this idea: on Barrawahi, many Teralpids practice the consumption of their fallen enemies’ weapons, believing they will gain some of their adversaries’ strength. Even those that don’t believe in this myth will engage in this practice as a symbolic show of strength. Like?


Oh, and something I’ve been meaning to ask about Dendrokans: by “light-bulb” heads, do you mean Glatorian/Agori-style heads, or actually shaped like a light-bulb?

Yellow (Light, eyes shine brighter, work like flashlights)

If their heads are actually light-bulb shaped, then why only their eyes :P? Though, even if they are G/A-style, their whole head could glow like in the product animations on the website :P



- MechaFizz

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Me knows! The Slave and the Warrior!


I kind of like that one.


Love the new Troak info, even if the Kinetics one wouldn't be my first choice.


Can't wait for the second Cipher Chronicles episode!



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Silenced in Slavery



Ojh wanted me to say this was his favorite so far.


I must say, you interpreted “foundational elements” a lot differently than I did – for example, I probably wouldn’t have made the elemental associations distinct and probably wouldn’t have included Ice and Plant Life, but Gravity and maybe Magnetism. Though in retrospect, I really don’t care for that idea anyway tongue.gif

So, yeah, I’d say you came up with a fairly good list for elements.

I did have a feeling you didn't mean it that way, but I felt it would be cooler to do that, although I imagine with most of them there wouldn't be much distinction. Mainly I wanted to use the opportunity to have someone on Ice that's out of the reach of the King, and then the Gold idea too.

I think adding a general physical description would be a good addition – I mean, Vonuk is a good reference for average shape and size, but I always imagined a fair amount of room for variation. For example, all Teralpids possess tusks and claws of varying size and style – Vonuk’s tusks and claws are of the smaller variety – and their feet may or may not be clawed as well. Colors pretty much vary with their elements like most other beings. Also, the average height ranges from around 6-8 feet tall – so they can stand from just shorter to just taller than the average Toa

Alright, I'll add all that.


Also, I’ve been playing around with this idea: on Barrawahi, many Teralpids practice the consumption of their fallen enemies’ weapons, believing they will gain some of their adversaries’ strength. Even those that don’t believe in this myth will engage in this practice as a symbolic show of strength. Like?

Like. :)



Oh, and something I’ve been meaning to ask about Dendrokans: by “light-bulb” heads, do you mean Glatorian/Agori-style heads, or actually shaped like a light-bulb?

Basically a mix between both. Shaped like light bulbs, in a style similar to Glat heads.


Though, even if they are G/A-style, their whole head could glow like in the product animations on the website

Hadn't thought of that. It's a bit cheesy, but maybe. :P



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I have belief I am either going to go with "Escape The Fire" or "Escape From The Fire."


I'm leaning towards the first. And yes, epic fully written, waiting on proofreading.


Edit: A Gift.

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I did have a feeling you didn't mean it that way, but I felt it would be cooler to do that, although I imagine with most of them there wouldn't be much distinction. Mainly I wanted to use the opportunity to have someone on Ice that's out of the reach of the King, and then the Gold idea too.

Right. Like I said, your list is better – it has more variety while still staying relatively true to my original idea. It’s not like you included anything too outlandish, like Lightning or Psionics :P. Though, Ice, Lava, and Plant Life are pushing it a bit, but I really like the idea of root-entwined-cave dwellers, so it’s all good :).


I think adding a general physical description would be a good addition…

Alright, I'll add all that.

And maybe there should be something about differences in the females’ physique – like shorter, smaller tusks, etc. But then again, I don’t want to get too obsessive about it, so it’s your call. Oh, and on a side note, brawny doesn’t equal bulky – some Teralpids can be quite lean. Just thought I’d make note of that.


Like. :)

Awesome. :)


Basically a mix between both. Shaped like light bulbs, in a style similar to Glat heads.

So, if we were to MOC one, we could just use a regular old Glat head, but if we were to draw one or something, we’d want to make it more light-bulbous (bad pun :P)?


Though, even if they are G/A-style, their whole head could glow like in the product animations on the website

Hadn't thought of that. It's a bit cheesy, but maybe. :P

Well, if that’s too cheesy, maybe it could only be when they have a really good idea – and yes, I fully realize that’s even cheesier :P.



- MechaFizz


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So, if we were to MOC one, we could just use a regular old Glat head, but if we were to draw one or something, we’d want to make it more light-bulbous (bad pun tongue.gif)?

Yarr. Adding the Teralpid info...

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