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After several months of encouraging teaching moments, discouraging teaching moments, flu, dengue fever, various colds, loud music, bad food (my fault), and (failed?) weight loss endeavors, I finally got a much needed vacation to see my family and girlfriend. Parts of it were great. The weather was (generally) cool for a California summer. Of course the day I had to go to an outdoor wedding ended up in the high 90s, but the rest of it was pretty okay. Fourth of July evening was actually pretty cold, and I have to say it was the coolest fireworks show I've seen yet. Not that there was anything super special about it except that I'm not used to fireworks being exploded literally above my head. Off in the distance? Sure. Close distance? Sure. But these were over my head. I have to say I was legitimately scared at first because.... there are fireworks exploding above my head and burning hot things are falling down. But I was not hurt. No one was hurt as far as I was aware and safe or not, it was pretty cool!


But not everything was an up. I knew from a while ago that my grandmother was showing signs of early Alzheimer's, but during this vacation was the firs time I've heard my mom talk to her on the phone since then and it was really disheartening. My mom and grandma talk frequently, and never once have I ever heard my mom need to explain who she was on the phone. The way she was talking its like my grandma had little idea who she was talking to. It was a moment that didn't last very long, but I was really shocked and disheartened and sad. It's not something I have talked to my mom about, at all, but I have to wonder how she's handling it. I wouldn't even know how to handle having to explain to my mom who she's talking to.


My dad also got sick while I was home, probably some sort of food poisoning. Whatever it was it unfortunately ruined all of his plans which included attending a party with Chris Pratt. No that's not a joke. He was in town and my dad was invited to the party. I, for one, am just glad that what he got was not contagious because I have had more than my fair share of illnesses this year. All you all reading this, do yourselves a favor and don't get dengue. Just don't. Use your bug spray.


Also California is on fire again and people I know came way too close to losing their house.


Aside from those things.... pretty relaxing vacation which is exactly what I wanted. Watched Incredibles 2. Was alright. First was better. Was introduced to Carcassonne (the game) which is my new obsession. Got the app. Got some expansions. Can't stop playing those online games.


And that's it. I have four and a half months left in this job, then its back to the states. No idea where I'll be (figuratively) when that comes around, but hopefully its in a good place. Without dengue.


(P.S. For those who play a certain mobile game: 9084 8282 0567)


(P.P.S. And hey if you play Carcassonne too.... open to playing that online [though I might not play fast.])

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:kaukau: Sorry to hear about your grandmother.  I've heard that out of all of the diseases, that's the hardest on family members.  My grandmother is a hypochondriac, so I have to put up with her spending approximately 12 hours a day researching her health, which has always been tough because I felt like she wasn't spending life actually living it...but at least she knows who I am. :/



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