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1,000 posts



So a week or so ago I noticed that I was coming up on 1,000 posts. I resolved to pay attention so I could make that 1,000th post count for something.


Today I checked back and my post count was 1,007. Whoops.


Anyway, you'd think I'd have more posts than that given how long I've been here, but I'm far from the most active member. It doesn't help that I have a twin brother who shares many of my views and is generally better at conveying them through his posts.


At least he's working on an avatar for me, considering I've gone without one since the Great Dataclysm. That might help me to finally establish my own identity on here.


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I've been meaning to say that you should get an av. Because it's how I recognize people.

Seconded. It looks a little odd.

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I know it looks odd. But I'm too individualistic to just pick one I find on the internet, and too lazy/unskilled to make my own (as should be evident by my continued usage of my sub-par blog theme from pre-dataclysm). Aanchir's got me covered, though. At some point. Eventually.

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I know how you mean. I'd rather have an avatar of my own creation than something I ripped from the internet, but I dislike my art, so it doesn't quite work out.

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Welcome to BZP's privileged 1500. (That's the slightly over 1500 members that have made 1000 posts or more.) You should be proud of yourself. :yes:


Hey, there was over 17,000 who didn't stick it out and over 20,000 that joined and left, so yeah. :P

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