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G1/G2 connection rules



Boo, apparently we're not allowed to have an official topic compiling G1/G2 connection topics. I was hoping that someone in charge of S&T finally decided to whip that forum into some semblance of order, but I guess that's too much to hope for...


Anyway, I'm too proud of this post to let it fade into obscurity, so I'm copying it here.


About dang time we had a master topic for this.


In any case, I suppose I might as well share mine. As most people know, I don't really want the two canons to be connected. I feel it would subvert the ending of the classic story and erase the independence of the modern story to try and haphazardly patch the two together. But I do have ideas of how I'd want the two to be connected if that were to occur.


Firstly—and this is crucial—the two should be alternate universes at best. Okoto should not exist in the G1 universe, be it in the past, present, or future. Keeping the two stories independent of one another is paramount. And that's not to say that the universes should be "divergent timelines" or anything like that, either, since that would only make every difference between the two stories subject to endless scrutiny. If the writers are dead-set on the two universes having somehow diverged, then their differences shouldn't be linked to any one causal event, and the two universes should be considered to be just two of an almost infinite number of Bionicle universes, each with its own heroes and legends.


Secondly—any crossover events, should they occur, should be rare and isolated. The absolute LAST thing I would want is for the universes to be crossable at any point by any idiot with an Olmak. That kind of randomness was my least favorite thing about the alternate universe shenanigans of the classic story. I don't want the new Toa crossing over to the old story just to wrap up loose ends in that canon, nor do I want the new Toa's overall quest to be abetted by interlopers from another world. Any crossover that occurs would be better off creating a new, independent problem to be solved and leaving the status quo of both universes intact, with neither group taking away anything more than memories and a valuable lesson of some sort.


I don't think these conditions are too much to ask. They're pretty typical of a lot of crossovers between multiple franchises. To be honest, I'm not entirely opposed to a crossover story—in fact, if we got to a point where there were more Bionicle novels or graphic novels than it took to take that year's story, and they chose to create a one-off crossover in one of them, that'd honestly be pretty rad. But most people, when they propose connections, seem to want to tie the two canons together inextricably, where the events in one story directly affect the other in one way or another. And I just can't get behind that—the two stories are too different to reconcile without making a dent in one or the other. I'd rather the old story remain a closed book, with all its successes and failures preserved, and for the new story to be allowed to continue independently of that.

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S&T is the least together forum on the site, and I have just stopped visiting it altogether, even though it was long one of my favourite sections of the site.

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*sees list of rules*


Rebellion! *pumps fist in the air*




Nah, I'm sure the entire Lego company agrees with you. However, when S&T becomes a place where one taste-opinion is treated as "fact" with no dissent allowed, that's the day I will leave S&T.

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It isn't. It's the taste-opinion that "I don't want a connection between G1 and G2, no matter what."

That's kind of the opposite of what I'm saying here, isn't it? I'd be fine with a connection, so long as it takes place as an isolated crossover and doesn't infringe upon either continuity's independence.


I'm just disappointed that "connection theories" continue to each merit their own topic. None of them amount to any more than headcanon, and there is already a master topic for sharing your headcanons. I don't see why there couldn't also be a master topic for discussing how you would connect the two canons if you had the opportunity to do so, instead of every person's connection "theory" getting its own topic and making the S&T forum as a whole look like a hotbed of denialism.

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However, when S&T becomes a place where one taste-opinion is treated as "fact" with no dissent allowed, that's the day I will leave S&T.

This happened years ago, with the closing if the topic Lyichir made that post in being just a further example of it.



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However, when S&T becomes a place where one taste-opinion is treated as "fact" with no dissent allowed, that's the day I will leave S&T.

This happened years ago, with the closing if the topic Lyichir made that post in being just a further example of it.




Really? No staff member in S&T has stopped Lynchir and all other beings opposed to connection theories from voicing their opposition time and again, and nobody has stopped those who like connection theories from posting theirs. Both sides still get a chance to voice their opinions. 


I understand that the anti-connection people want to shut the pro-connection people down. The fact that they haven't got what they want doesn't mean that their opinions are being silenced - as their strong vocal opposition fills nearly every connection theory topic. 


It's the same as any other topic in S&T. Like the canonization debate - everyone got a chance to voice their opinion. Or the giant robot size debate. Just because your opinion isn't forced down everyone else's throat, doesn't mean that you don't get a say. 

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I'm definitely on the side of not wanting any connection between g1 and g2.  I thought the idea of a reboot was a perfect idea.  The old generation is just too expansive at this point.  It's almost like star wars, with so many things and characters having back stories and what not.  Don't get me wrong, I love that about G1, but I'm glad that G2 is a new universe with new everything.  I feel like it would spoil both generations if they were connected somehow, especially now after g2 being established as a new universe more or less.  

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I'm definitely on the side of not wanting any connection between g1 and g2.  I thought the idea of a reboot was a perfect idea.  The old generation is just too expansive at this point.  It's almost like star wars, with so many things and characters having back stories and what not.  Don't get me wrong, I love that about G1, but I'm glad that G2 is a new universe with new everything.  I feel like it would spoil both generations if they were connected somehow, especially now after g2 being established as a new universe more or less.

While I definitely see where you're coming from, I wouldn't see the problem with an isolated crossover of some sort. A single crossover event could make for an interesting (if fanservicey) chapter book or graphic novel. Many Marvel/DC crossover events would be a good comparison—most of them generally don't feature major character deaths or other canonically important moments, but rather feature the respective heroes working together (occasionally after misunderstanding each other's intentions and getting into a fight) in an isolated adventure. The important factors, as far as I'm concerned, are that both series are respected (which is to say, neither is presented as superior to the other) and that neither series' canon is grossly impacted by the other (which is to say that the events of the crossover should occur in isolation—no characters from the other universe sticking around afterwards, no major character deaths or transformations, etc.).

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