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Things are looking up



My grandmother went through Major Back Surgery #2 this past Thursday in order to repair the things that were going awry with the healing from Major Back Surgery #1. Because of the length of surgery, the amount of scar tissue from the first one, and the overall risk of complication, we thought that the ordeal would make her even weaker.


Two days later, she's walking around at twice what the doctors thought she'd be able to handle and hasn't needed nearly the same amount of painkillers she needed before. Forty-eight hours after the first surgery and she was still extremely groggy, whereas this evening she was—IV hookups and hospital settings notwithstanding—her usual impish self.


She avoided rehab the first time—a move we acquiesced to because she's quite a homebody—but this time the doctors wanted her to do more extensive physical therapy to avoid the possibility of a third surgery. While I know she'll be homesick while in rehab, facing that as a reality instead of a mere possibility has only increased her drive to do more therapy and get better faster. By all accounts, she's on the right track, and ahead of schedule at that.


I have appreciated your thoughts and prayers over these past two months. If everything keeps going smoothly, everything should be back to normal by the new year.


(In other news, you still have a little over a day left to enter Blogarithm Contest #9: Vakama Eats Spam‽ if you haven't done so already. The story is done save for inserting the name of the winner; the results [and first chapter] should be out early next week.)

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