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Farshtey Feed - Final Entry

Monday, January 9, 2012   Hello friends.   It certainly has been a long time. I see now that I managed to go through all of 2011 without making a single post - anywhere on this website! The downtime throughout the entire summer probably did not help any. Now it looks like the Official Greg Topic, has just... stopped. And from reading the home page these days you would hardly know that this is a BIONICLE website.   Anyway, even though this is a very busy period of time, I think it is important



Farshtey Feed (p323-328)

Friday, August 6, 2010 A note about the Farshtey Feed's erratic schedule as of late: Due to a lessening in the weekly amount of information coming into the OGD (an apparent result of BIONICLE's lack of further set releases), I am choosing on occasion to combine two to four weeks' worth of information into single Farshtey Feed entries. This is to keep each individual entry more comprehensive. CURRENT STORY SERIALS REIGN OF SHADOWS • Brutaka is still under the effects of his submer



Farshtey Feed (p319-323)

Saturday, July 17, 2010 STORY SERIALS • The beings who captured Sahmad are not of a species we have met before. Greg doubts that they are the former occupants of Roxtus. [source] • The gold-colored fusion created on Zakaz gives himself his own name. [source] • On the new Toa team serial: "If I feel six new Toa characters is going to mean not enough time in the story to get to know any of them, then I will do less than six." [source] • On why Orde, being a Toa of Psionics, is male instead of



Farshtey Feed (p318-319)

Friday, June 25, 2010 SPHERUS MAGNA • The three classes of male Skrall are physically distinguishable from one another from birth. [source] • Greg would bet that Surel is older than Ackar. [source] • None of the Agori, Skrall, or Glatorian we know of are related. [source] • The powers of a Toa of Psionics would work on the organic inhabitants of Spherus Magna. Although one would expect the brains of the Matoran and those of the people of Spherus Magna to be very different physically, the Mat



Farshtey Feed (p317-318)

Friday, June 18, 2010 SPHERUS MAGNA • The Great Beings did not live in Roxtus prior to the Skrall. [source] • Greg doubts that all 42 types of Rahkshi participated in the invasion of Bara Magna. [source] • Since the Toa Mahri did not bring any Cordak blasters with them to their mission on Zakaz, Kongu is carrying a different weapon, since the Toa had plenty of access to weapons before they left Metru Nui. [source] • Takanuva has returned to his gold coloration. [source] • It is likely that



Farshtey Feed (p315-317)

Friday, June 11, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • The rush of knowledge that Tahu received from the Ignika before receiving the Golden Armor was part of the Ignika's protocol for giving the Golden Armor to him. [source] • It is doubtful that the prisoners of the Pit gained the ability to understand the Agori language. [source] • Angonce most likely monitored only the battle between Mata Nui and Teridax on Bara Magna and following, not Mata Nui's adventure on Bara Magna up to that point. [source] BOTA



Farshtey Feed (p314-315)

Friday, June 4, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • On whether the stages of growth of the Kraata whose powers Tahu assimilated matter: "I really haven't thought about the level question, but it is probably something worth us discussing." [source] SPHERUS MAGNA • The Skrall homeland is located in the forest of Bota Magna. [source] • On whether clothing is common in Spherus Magna: "Yes. You wear fabric under the armor. You don't wear armor against bare skin in a desert, you would fry your skin right off." [



Farshtey Feed (p312-314)

Friday, May 28, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • Mata Nui gave the ability to understand Agori to all the Matoran universe inhabitants on Bara Magna as well as on Aqua Magna and Bota Magna. However, Lewa Nuva and the others with him in the Great Beings' fortress were shielded from the transmission by the building itself and never received the ability. [source] • On the plausibility of the reuniting of Spherus Magna: "Think of it this way -- you tear off a chunk of Earth, say with America on it, all the w



Farshtey Feed (p309-312)

Friday, May 21, 2010 SPHERUS MAGNA • It would be highly unusual and unlikely were one of the enemy Skakdi or Skrall to make his way into the new society on Spherus Magna. [source] • Greg envisions the Sisters of the Skrall as having a black color scheme, with robes of dark brown or faded purple. [source] • Agori are subject to heart disease and obesity. [source] • Now in possession of all the powers of the Kraata he destroyed, Tahu has become more powerful than he was as a Toa Nuva. [source]



Farshtey Feed (p296-309)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 It's been like a month, right? BIONICLE 2010 • All characters we know by name survived the death of Teridax. [source] • All named characters survived Teridax's death and will escape alive from the Matoran universe through any one of the many hatches that were needed for Mata Nui's construction or other means of leaving the robot body. [source] • Greg would assume that after Teridax's death, the Rahi in the Archives will be released, since it is the only humane thing



Farshtey Feed (p284-296)

Sunday, March 28, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • The Ignika was able to create the Golden Armor because the materials used to make it were partly organic. [source] • The lava plain onto which Tahu thought he walking when he exited the Matoran universe was an illusion caused by the Ignika. It was supposed to be a lava plain of the island of Mata Nui, meant to put Tahu in a comfortable setting. The Ignika also never left its place in the prototype robot -- what Tahu saw of the Ingika was also an illusion



Farshtey Feed (p280-284)

Friday, March 12, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • Months have passed since Teridax took over the Matoran universe by the time he has arrived on Bara Magna. [source] » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «• Tahu and Onua's collaboration in Journey's End Chapter 4 takes place after their mission in Reign of Shadows to destroy the energized protodermis source on Daxia. [source] • The rest of the Toa Nuva safely left the Matoran universe along with Tahu during the battle. [source] • All of the



Farshtey Feed (p276-280)

Saturday, March 6, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «• Makuta is dead. [source] • On how the inhabitants of the Matoran universe survived the impact on Teridax's head: "Same way they survived the impact of crashing into an ocean from outer space 1000 years ago. Plus, we haven't said they all survived." [source] • The Great Beings programmed the Ignika with the knowledge to create the Golden Armor. [source] • Nektann and his troops were beaten and will eith



Farshtey Feed (p274-276)

Friday, February 26, 2010 GREAT BEINGS • Great Beings do not wear Kanohi nor are able to use them. [source] • Angonce worked on the Ignika project, whereas Heremus did not. Angonce was not one of the two Great Beings who placed the Ignika in the Matoran universe. [source] • Neither Angonce nor Heremus worked on the Iron Wolves or Skopio projects. These kinds of modifications were like child's play to the Great Beings -- such projects were more labor-intensive than they were thought-intensive



Farshtey Feed (p270-274)

Saturday, February 20, 2010 BIONICLE STARS • Takanuva's new weapons are called "twin light staffs." [source] • Upon his devolution, Tahu's Nuva symbol continues to exist, simply becoming inactive. [source] • A heat vision Rahksi's staff needs to remain intact for its power to work. [source] BIONICLE 2010 • The Ignika communicated telepathically with Mata Nui to help him master control of the prototype robot. [source] • Just before Mata Nui took over the prototype robot, Click left to sta



Farshtey Feed (p265-270)

Sunday, February 14, 2010 Happy Valentine's Day! BARA MAGNA • The shield Berix found in Tesara in The Legend Reborn is the ceremonial shield of Tesara. [source] • There are probably less than a thousand Agori living in the mega-village and 300-400 Rock Agori living outside it. [source] • Teridax released more than 50 Rahkshi on Bara Magna. [source] • There is no more energized protodermis on Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, or Bota Magna. [source] BIONICLE STARS • Nektann's weapon is called a "c



Farshtey Feed (p261-265)

Sunday, February 7, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • Since the pieces of the Golden Armor are scattered around Bara Magna, Tahu and company will have to search for them. [source] • It is safe to assume that the Glatorian will suffer casualties at the hands of the Rahkshi, Skakdi, and Skrall attacks. [source] • The Golden Armor does not even get created until Tahu and Takanuva arrive on Bara Magna. [source] BIONICLE STARS • The chest armor on Tahu's BIONICLE Stars form represents the Toa Mata version



Farshtey Feed (p259-261)

Saturday, January 30, 2010 But check this out. BIONICLE STARS • A heat vision Rahkshi loses its power if it does not have its staff in hand. [source] [source] • Same as the Rahkshi in 2003, the heat vision Rahkshi's tools aid its flight. [source] • Tahu will feel some frustration over his devolution back into a Toa Mata. [source] • Tahu's mask is still adaptive. [source] • The Golden Armor does not make Tahu invincible. What it actually does is to be revealed in March. [source] STORY



Farshtey Feed (p257-259)

Sunday, January 24, 2010 BIONICLE 2010 • On how Mata Nui made it possible for the inhabitants of the Matoran universe and Bara Magna to speak to each other: "Simple. Mata Nui had to be able to understand the languages of the planets he visited, which means he had to have something akin to a universal translator built in. Which also makes it logical that the prototype would have that as well." "[it's t]he equivalent of a universal translator. After all, MN had to be able to understand the langu



Farshtey Feed (p253-257)

Sunday, January 17, 2010 MATORAN UNIVERSE STORY SERIALS • Despite the scroll's explication that the volcanic chain of Artidax be quelled by the Toa Nuva, the Order of Mata Nui caused the volcano on the island to erupt and kill the Visorak hordes because the Order deemed the Visorak a clear and present danger. [source] • Tren Krom can use Lewa Nuva's mask power. [source] • Teridax has no intention of destroying the Great Temple because it poses no threat to him, and may be needed for the e



Farshtey Feed (p250-253)

Friday, January 8, 2009 BIONICLE 2010 • The mega-village on Bara Magna consists of dwellings that were being sheltered, not housed, by the construct Mata Nui has now usurped. The Agori vacated the robot before Mata Nui took control. • Although the Golden Armor would function on any Toa Mata, it was always designated for Tahu's use. • Tahu's new firesword is still his adaptive weapon. • Nektann is considered a Piraka insofar as that is what other Skakdi now think of him for siding with Maku



Farshtey Feed (p248-250)

Friday, January 1, 2010 Happy New Year! 2010! BIONICLE 2010 • Tahu's adaptive armor is still functional and should innovate some sort of cooling system for use in Bara Magna's desert. • The Ignika devolved Tahu because the Golden Armor was not designed for use by a Toa Nuva. • The three armor pieces on Tahu's Stars model represent what his adaptive armor looks like in neutral form. • Greg's understanding is that Papercutz will be publishing a smaller, hardcover version of Mata Nui's Guide



Farshtey Feed (p244-248)

Friday, December 25, 2009 Merry Christmas! BIONICLE 2010 • Greg is sure that some Glatorian died in Teridax's attack on them. • Click is now outside of Mata Nui's current robot body. • In Mata Nui's body Teridax can only use what Makuta powers he was able to use as Maxilos. • The energy source retrieved by Mata Nui was made active in the prototype robot body's head. Its power bound the components of the body together. • Mata Nui now remembers his lost knowledge thanks to something he ha



Farshtey Feed (p236-244)

Saturday, December 19, 2009 It's been a busy three weeks. MATORAN UNIVERSE • Mata Nui was constructed standing upright, and there are hatches throughout the body so that workers and the Great Beings and their creations could get in and out. • The Glatorian-species members near Mata Nui's consciousness who died during the Great Cataclysm were intended to be pilots for the system to ensure it functioned properly continuously. "They were there in case something went wrong. If there was dama



Farshtey Feed (p235-236)

Friday, November 27, 2009 GENERAL • Mata Nui's story will be wrapped up by March 2010. Lego intends for the Bionicle story to continue at least through to the end of 2011. • The other Toa Nuva make it out of Teridax's body as well. • Takanuva appears white and grey in 2010 because he is using his power over light to assume a less visible coloration. • Lein died of natural causes long before the Core War. He was long dead by the time a battle during the Core War was fought at Lein's Drift.



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