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Laughing Man


used to be really into it but haven't watched any in quite a while


recommend me some


I primarily like comedy and romance but I'm down with pretty much anything


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It's a long road to walk down. I started watching some Anime this summer, and now I can't stop!! Beware of its ability to grip to you! :bigeek:





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Aria the Animation =D


Very funny, subtle in its reasoning and it'll put a smile on your face. Reviewers said it takes a minute to get into it, but it's gotten some awesome praise. I really like it.

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@xccj: I've already walked down that road broski


I've been really into anime for a good two years now


watched over three dozen series last year alone


I just haven't watched any recently and I'm not sure where to start

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>>A Certain Magical Index

>A Certain Scientific Railgun

>>Angel Beats




Zero no Tsukaima

Azumanga Daioh

Acchi Kocchi


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The only manga/anime I ever really cared for is Rurouni Kenshin, but it's neither comedy nor romance, so yeah (although it is funny at times)...

Ghost In The Shell is awesome too, but again, neither comedy nor romance.

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I second Fruits Basket and Azumanga Daioh (Oh my gosh, Azumanga Daioh. XD), though the latter doesn't involve romance.


Baccano! does have romance and comedy, but it also has a serious plot and the story is all over the place and a half (it took me two viewings to fully understand what was going on).


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is also one I recommend. Also Case Closed (aka Detective Conan). They have romance, mysteries, murders (well one episode of Haruhi Suzumiya. Case Closed is pretty much just murder mysteries with some petty theft thrown in here and there and the plot takes 300 episodes to advance. I will never ever be caught up with it. XD).


I also recommend Ah! My Goddess, but only season one. In my opinion the plot just gets old after that... (Though, the first season is just so cute).


Another good romance one (with comedy) is Chibi Vampire, although admittedly the manga story is much better in my opinion.

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