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Now I See Bees I Won



Palendrone from weird al's song Bob.


But anyway, I did surprisingly well at Bricks Cascade. Like, OMG-this-can't-be-right-well. I've only won a few trophies in previous conventions, and none of them were ever that spectacular. This time, I won four! :o


Bionicle: Best Toa "Moderator" for my Toa Pohatu. This was really cool, cause I worked really hard on Pohatu and I loved the way he turned out. Also, Pat's trophy for this one is completely epic! (We'll reveal other Bionicle winners soon me-thinks.)


Mecha: Best Supporting Role for my Collectible Minifig Daredevil Mech. Basically, this was for non-combat mechs, and again I don't think there were many... and I'm surprised it did well because it included a bunch of HF stuff.


Steampunk: Like A Sir for my Minifigure. Basically, best customized steampunk minifig. I made this one evil guy who won, but granted, there were only like a couple of MOCs for the whole theme, and some of them didn't even include custom figs! Lack of competition, really.


Technic: Best Technic Vehicle for my Gearbox moc. Okay, so it was supposed to be a Rahi thing, but technic didn't have any mocs in it, and this was mine that had a ton of gears in it, so I moved it over, and hey it won. Kakaru and I also made some last-minute technic models for this, but they weren't chosen. :(


Oh, and one of my MOCs won for a random prize draw. This isn't entirely surprising, because I entered 30+ mocs, which made up for about 10% of all the moc cards entered... yeah, I brought too much stuff this time. :P I was hoping for a random win here or there, but not this many. And it's not like any of my lackluster projects did well... I'm proud of all the ones that made it. But still, I like to see throphies spread to as many people as possible, and then I went and won four... so yeah, craziness.


Also, Velox + Kakaru + Russell + Swert + HH + Janus + B6 + Bink + Sumiki + Everybody Else = Really cool! It's been lots of fun, and it's not over yet. :biggrin:




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