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Bee Hunting



Just 'cause my old middleschool are the Hornets doesn't mean I like them (in fact, it may give me extra incentive to kill 'em). But, anyway, with the warm weather comes the yellowjackets, and they're swarming around my house. A flyswatter can get some, but most fly out of range. Therefore, a Supersoker needs to be used to drench those flying to high.


Truth be told, I only got one so wet that it hit the floor and got swatted. But now the rest of those wasps will think twice before coming around here again... at least for the next five minutes.


I think maybe a bug trap is in order.


Anyway, spring break flies by. A majority has been taken up by a visit to a university on the other end of the state. (No offence, Pullman, but all the wheat fields out there are a drag to drive through for miles upon miles). And now that I'm home, I'm being reminded of all this other work I need to do. Seriously, I'm going to need a break after this break...


Bionicle-wise, Brickfest is over, but I got a few things out of it, like a cool BZP brick ( :bigsmile: ). And, afterwards, I bought Ehlek. Maybe I'll do a review of him later. Uh, I got my BBC entry completed... but I need a good underwater background picture for the entry pict (and I need to decide on the head design). Oh, and I reread a bit of SoMN. It's like the only time I've read my work and haven't gone "My writing sucked!" I want to continue it, I really do. Will it get done? Not during this break. On the other hand, I still have an unposted chapter of KMoMN. And it's a chase scene too.


Now, if you don't mind, I have some wasps who need to be slaughtered.





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*ignores everything 'cept part about school & Yellow Jackets*


Go team! :P [/nonsensiblereferencetolocalteamthatwillsoonbecominatinghighschoolhockeychampionshipsinmystate]

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:lol: I remember a camp song I learnt. It was sillarious, something about going to catch a baby bumblebee... and squishing it...


And it's good to hear that the writing bug bit. :lol: Let me know when they're ready to read!



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:lol: I remember a camp song I learnt. It was sillarious, something about going to catch a baby bumblebee... and squishing it...


And it's good to hear that the writing bug bit. :lol: Let me know when they're ready to read!



:crying: 'Da poor bumblybee!


Wasps are a big nuisance. Buy one of those traps that look like a cone inside a cylinder. It'll fill up in no time.



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