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Palm Pilot



So, way back in the day, there were these devices called Palm Pilots or something. They could include calendars and notepads and other stuff on them. Basically, I always saw them as hand held computers, although clearly they were limited compared to desktops. This was like in the early 2000s. I know a couple of my classmates had some.


And back in 2003 or 2004 (I forget when) I wrote this adventure story that I'm sure I've mentioned here before. It was about four friends getting trapped in a virtual game, where if they die there they die for real, and the only way out was to win the game. (Rip off of Sword Art Online? No, I finished this before then. It was a rip-off of some other cartoon idea. :P ) But one guy was able to keep out of the game, and he spend the story hacking into the program and trying to free the friends. At one point, his desktop is compromised, so he downloads the data onto his palm pilot and goes mobile. The palm pilot is integral to him finally figuring out the coding in the end.


The problem? Well, I'm updating the story again, and something occurred to me. Palm Pilots totally want out of style, and were never quite the extravagant hand held computers anyway. But... well, what I described does sound familiar, doesn't it? Oh yeah, smart phones. Everybody and their dog has one nowadays, and they're clearly not a passing fad.


So, should I replace the palm pilot in the story with a smart phone? It would be a little more accurate and true to current technology. But it's also a classic part of my story which follows the technology of that era. So, opinions?


(I know, first world dilemma for sure!)




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I would do what Raptor said. But if you want to do a real life item, have it be a tablet, not phone. That is a more realistic, and I don't see tablets ending any time soon.

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The problem with a tablet is that you can't easily hide it in your back pocket. :P I mean, the majority of the work the character did was on a laptop, but then he had to tranfer the data over to his other device in order to go mobile, which is something I can see a smart phone doing. And since it's the one part of the story that takes place in the real world, I don't want a completely fictional item. But thanks for the quick replies!!



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I'm in favor of keeping the Palm Pilot. I always wanted one up to the point where I got an iPod touch, because I realized the iPod was pretty much the same thing.


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