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It's Just Four Letters



For the record, the xkcd comic were first posted in 2005, although granted Randall Munroe might have come up with the name before that.


I registered as xccj on this site in 2003, and I'd been using the same name on Lego.com since the late 90s.


I did not steal Randall Munroe's four letter name; he stole mine.


It's also not really an acronym but I did a whole contest about that back in the day so it actually stands for Xtra Carbon Copy Justice. You can thank Toaraga for that... and those of you who voted for that option.


Just to clear this all up. :P




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Yes, but how is it pronounced? Can we get an official statement on that?

The title kinda says it; it's four letters. Officially, I guess it would be refered to as an initialisms, although since there's no real meaning behind it maybe its something else? I've always pronounced it ex-cee-cee-jay.



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Some of us have taken up calling you "Ex-cee-cee-jason" but it often sounds like "Exeejason" so that's one fanon for you.

Jason is one of the few members I prefer to call by his real name rather than his BZP name. It's just so much easier.



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