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Genre Masher



I'm a little behind on my story. Part of it comes from preparing for job interviews. Another part comes from just not being in the mood to write. (Which I guess is something NaNo is supposed to fight, but whatev.)


But one thing I had to consider when cataloguing the story was what its genre was. And its hard for me to pin it down to one thing. Here's why.

  • It has definite science fiction elements to it, primarily involving the protagonist and his team. There's also a lot of scientific explanations thrown around to cover various things.
  • But at the same time, the antagonist and his minions have a fantasy feel to them. (And science fiction and fantasy are very distinct genres.)
  • There's also a fairly in depth mystery going on here. But not a mystery in the sense of "somebody died, find the killer" but "okay, just what is the antagonist up to?"
  • And there's lots of martial arts action scenes.

So really, what would I categorize it as? It contains a fair amount of many types of genres. I'm labeling it as "adventure" because I think it has the feel of an action-adventure movie / story most of all. But it is kind of hard to pin down. It's a story world that I created on my own, so just exactly what genre should it fit into?


But anyway, more writing to be done. Yay.




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I guess you could go by whatever element is most predominant, but really, not every story has to fit into an established genre. Or stories can fit in more than one genre.

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It's just a "genre-busting" piece. :P Genre is just "patterns of stuff" in a fictional work anyway. You are building new "patterns of stuff" that doesn't fall into the established patterns of stuff.


And forcing oneself to write does not cure writer's block. It produces bad writing because you have to fill up the page with words, but those words need not be of any value. It's like writing a school essay.

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I guess I'm more annoyed with the NaNo forcing me to choose a genre from their limited selection. :P


Also I don't have writer's block in that I dunno what to write next. Instead, I have the ideas fully formed in my head, somethings already "written out" word for word, but I'm just not in the mood to sit down and type it out. This is why I wouldn't nessessarily make a great author; it takes me forever to get my ideas into a written work, and then somewhere in the process it becomes incoherant. :P



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