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MOCing Spree



So with the convention looming in the near future, I had to think about what models I was bringing.


For Bionicle, I don't have a lot of new stuff. I've got the remnants of my Rahi project and Takanuva. I also built a few Bionicle trees for the BioniLug display, and I have this new Pohatu Phantoka model that I've been working on for a while, but not a lot new.


For Space, I have my modular ships (which I'm keeping track of in a sidebar.) I have 8 completed, but six more colors that I want to make... in theory. Each ship is only about 10 studs long, but I've been working in rare colors and experimenting with odd designs, so each section has taken a lot of time to put together, and I don't know if I'll have the chance to finish any more before the convention.


But what I did finish today was an actual SHIP model. I dunno if I've posted it here or not (I showed it off at PortLug once) but I built a long octagonal nose for the ship (60 studs) in black and trans neon green. Well, today I built up the engine to make it full SHIP length. (Well, to my annoyance, the body measured to like 96 studs... and it's too interlocked to take it apart and add the extra lengths... so I put an extra beam on the nose to lengthen it instead.) And since it's all black and trans neon green, it looks ultra rad under a black light, and will do great in BrickCon's Dark Side this year.


I also took the chance and built another mini ship using all my trans medium blue elements, including some of the Bionicle socket and visor pieces. The rest of it is black, and IMO it looks even cooler under a black light! (Maybe it's because trans medium blue is rarer than neon green that I say this. I am, however, continuously disappointed that all the trans blue elements this year are seemingly trans light blue, which doesn't do anything with a black light.)


For art, I have this nifty little sculpture from the Lego Movie that I'm gonna show off. Also, hopefully we can redisplay the Hau/Krana mosaic this year? Maybe.


For Mecha, I have three Lego Movie models; a Hero Factory built Micro Manager, a Wyldstyle Mech, and an Emmet Mech. (I think I posted these here, or at least WIPs) I was going to display them opening weekend for the movie, but then Portland got snowed it, so that didn't happen. Now they'll show up at BricksCascade. Also, I have a crazy bunny mech that I keep bringing back.


I also built something for steampunk! And it's piloted by a Pohatu Minifig! (Cause I just secured a Pohatu pen, so now I have mini masks for all the Toa!) But even if it has some Bionicle flavoring, it's still steampunk-y. With gears.


I also have a list of other models I want to build... but now I'm back to work (on the weekends now) so I won't really have time to build. I'll get some days off next weekend before the con, but I'll probably be busy with other stuff. I'm planning to move into an apartment closer to Portland soon, so there's lots of details to work out with that. Meanwhile, I also want to photograph some of my models too... so much to do, so little time.


And yet I still wrote this lengthy blog entry that nobody will read... kay, night all!




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