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Am I going to post some helpful BZP tip that has to do with current rule breaking situations that will, in turn, help people better understand the situation and avoid trouble in the future?


Heck no, I'm no good at those. Besides, all the good points are taken.


Then what on Mata-Nui is this title about?


Get this. For my Freshman Interest Group in college (AKA FIG) (BTW, I'm now again a freshman, on the low end of the spectrum. But, hey, I was still able to talk with an upperclassman (woman) for about five minutes before it became apparent that it was my first year here) I digress. Anyway, for my FIG, we've got a bunch of people who take the same classes for a quarter, and a website has been set up for us to be able to contact each other for homework info and to organize other out of class activities. Pretty much, the web site's a forum. Nothing new to me, who's been on BZP for way toooooo long, and knows the working of it inside out (well, almost). One of the assignments (just FIG assignments, haven't nothing to do with our classes) was actually to post something on the forum. I mean, talk about easy. Some people still don't seem to have the hang of it... so for once I am one of the top ten posters (out of fourteen).


Ah, but here's the punchline. I'm a moderator of the forum!!


I have no idea why I am, but that's what my "member group" label says. I think it has to do with when our accounts were created. Some of us originally created accounts before our FIG leader actually turned the boards on (they're not invasion board, and I'm declining to name it because it is, essentially, another forum, thus against BZP rules) So the half dozen of us who made earlier accounts appear to be Mods, and everybody else are participants. That doesn't exactly put any responsibility on me or anything, just adds extra perks to my account. Like I can edit other people's posts if I really wanted to.


But I have absolutely no plans to do anything further with it, besides just posting helpful information when I can. The funny thing is just that I am a Moderator. Besides that, there's nothing special going on.


On an entirely different track, I just got back from this wonderful play on campus. It was a roundhouse theatre, so the seats all circled the stage. The acting was amazing, with some witty lines and fun blocking. It was a new experience... these people weren't exactly the best of Broadway, but they're a lot better than any high school performance I've helped put on. Just the way these people acted out their characters... especially when they have the audience on all sides... it was pretty good acting. The play was entitled "Ring Round the Moon". I've never heard of it before, but it seems to be from around the early twentieth century, with plenty of Shakespearean style ironic humour. (Best part... the two main characters were twins, but they were never both onstage at once because only one actor played them. There was one section near the end where one twin was onstage with the group awaiting the other to return, but the other sent a servant instead, and the other twin said "I knew he wasn't coming." It was slightly off his character, but sooo hilarious that the whole audience, all around, busted out laughing).


And the whole performance lightened up my mood. I've been feeling pretty down this week because of schoolwork and this cold that just won't go away. But getting to watch a funny and insightful play, as well as talking with another person interested in theatre during intermission (and she was an upperclassman... who was also required to watch plays for her drama class) really made me feel better about life. Now while everybody else is partying (and getting drunk, perhaps) tonight, I'm content to sit back with a good book and relax. I even get to hear the play again because I'm going to be a volunteer usher for it next week.


Woo hoo... and I also noticed that nobody ever replies to my blog unless Kumata's been here first. Ah well, he's off enjoying himself in South Africa... :)


*rocks out to Monkeys Music*



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