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20 Questions 7



Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.




1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.


2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.


3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.


I am thinking of a Bionicle being.


Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.






Edit: Bfahome got it again, on the 26th guess (there were a few more after him, but I didn't count them, because it took me so long to get back.


And here is the BS01 page guilty of choosing this week's answer through the "random page" option.


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Is it a character?


If it was a character, I would've specified in the beginning. So, no, this is not just one individual.

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Is it a species?


As there are more than one that look like it, yes, although I don't think "species" is the term I would use.

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Is it in anyway related to the Makuta?


Isn't everything? If they're not working for the brotherhood, they're against 'em. I digress... but for the most part, no.

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This happened last time. :annoyed2: Okay, here's a hint.


If it is a Bionicle character, (AKA, Gali, Vakama, Krika) I will classify it as a character in the beginning.


If it is a Rahi (Hoto bug, Muaka, Kikinalo) I will classify it as a Rahi.


When I classify it as a "Being," it is some thing that is not specifically a character, nor is it specifically a Rahi.


Last time, I classified Roporak as a "Being" because it was a type of Visorak, so it wasn't a specific character, but Visorak weren't necessarily Rahi.


So "Beings" is pretty much a wild card, but know that the option isn't specifically a character of Rahi. And, for this round, it isn't a Visorak either. :P




Edit: Oh, and this time blame BS01 for the answer... I random-paged it.

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