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Haven't I used that Title before? Maybe it was something different but similiar...


Anyway, I seem to have that cold that's going around my school. I'll spare you on the details, but I'm not feelin' so swell. Still went to school today, and tried to keep the germs to myself. Went to play practice, only to learn that the actress I'm with most of the time was out sick too. So I had to sit around because we didn't block her parts today, and conciquently, my parts too. I got five minutes in at the end of the day... after waiting two hours. Seems like I came up short today.


Anyhow, if I'm not feeling well tomorrow, I'll probably see if I can stay home. This whole "show up to first period" thing really isn't so fun. I like sleeping in, and if I get it through a cold, so what.




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That's the spirit... :P I hate having to wait around. Last Monday my Psychology lesson was cancelled; I had to wait four hours until my next lesson. :glare:


Heh, I have a terrible cold too, though it's probably just from the cold weather. *Sniff* It's a shame we can't get more time off for it...



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That's the spirit... :P I hate having to wait around. Last Monday my Psychology lesson was cancelled; I had to wait four hours until my next lesson. :glare:



Psychology? Just what kind of classes are you taking? :P Psychology would probably bore me to death...



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Psychology? Just what kind of classes are you taking? :P Psychology would probably bore me to death...


It bores me to death sometimes. :glare: For every interesting thing we learn, there are about ten dull things. But anyway, the classes I'm taking are:

- Psychology

- English language and literature

- Law

- Art graphic design

- (As an enrichment activity) Life drawing


So yeah. Not as many as you (the maximum amount of subjects we can take is five) but still a heavy workload. Speaking of, I have an essay I should be doing... :P



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