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Well That Lasted Long

I'm not very good at this staying active thing am I well I've been on a couple times since my last entry but didnt really have time to post or hang around much. I guess that's what happens when you're studying electrical engineering at a top school, doesnt leave much time for other stuff. Anyway in the meantime I finish the N Silver book and am trying to find time to read The Brain That Changes Itself.   I've also been keeping up with one of my favourite things, sports. The Super Bowl was grea

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

So lets give this a legit try

So as some of you may know I've basically been MIA from BZ/BS01 for 2 years. This is due to mostly your typical RL stuff then again you never know, maybe the end of the bionicle line affected me subconsciously or something   Anyway I'm sorta kinda back (new and improved with PMship) as in i'm trying to be around multiple times a week. In the meantime not much special going on going through the typical struggles of an Electrical/Computer Eng undergrad student.   I'm also currently reading The Si

Great Being #1

Great Being #1


I know it's a couple of days early but I cant get on much theses days as I'm busy. The reason I'm busy is that I have friends from Seatle over here (I live in Toronto). Anyway they leave Wedsday so and have been already fro 10 days. It's been fun. Then Friday I leave for Cuba with my (very hot ) friend and her familly. So you see why it's been hecktic for me and will continue to be. Anyway peace out.   GB #1

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

Status Part 2

Well the Wiki is up and about. It is going great on the new server and people are editing like mad. I am sure happy I save a lot of the old pages as tehy got deleted so I've had plenty to do. Anywho people please help out at www.biosector01.com/wiki

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

Wiki Status

Well looks like the Wiki will be OK. It will be moved to an unamed server (Swert still hasn't given the OK of releasing info ). I'm so relived. Also I think I'm gonna make Catagories

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

Hp 7

I got it and read it. It was awsome!!!!!!!!!!! Antbody who hasn't got it or read it; GET IT AND READ IT!!!!!!!!

Great Being #1

Great Being #1


Well today I'd like to randomly point out that the Mahri and Titans seem to have still not come out in Canada!!!!! Seriously though what's up with that, we're neighbors to the US and we get them like a month later. Fellow countrymen/women let your anger out here. Or it might just be me not seeing them flukily

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

Saving The Wiki

Well I'm saving the BS01 Wiki, one article at a time. I think I'm the only non-Wiki-staff who's got permission to help (well acuallly Bioran miht have got permission too). Anyway I'm helping the best I can by saving the villains right now. Long live the Wiki!

Great Being #1

Great Being #1


Well I know this is random but tiday I went to a Zoo. It was pretty fun. I saw the Lions and Tigers being fed. I also got spat on by a Llama (sp ). The spit wad hit me in the face eeeeeeewwwwwwwww.

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In 2 hours and 20 mins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For official time look at Spi's sig !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Being #1

Great Being #1


I know they're old but I finally got my first ones I got Zactan and Thok. They were 50 % off so I got them for the price of 1 Piraka

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

Depression And Hope

Well as you all know what last week was like. BZP was out for 3 or 4 days, we had recieved reports of B-Shelf going to shut down, Maj was acting up and, there was a report of the Wiki going down (actually that was yesterday ). Well it seems that there is hope in the future now. BZP is up and running better than ever, B-Shelf is staying open, the problems on Maj have calmed down but something remains to bee seen; that is the Wiki. The Wiki is curreently having problems with the server comany. The

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

This Week

Well as I'm not a Premier Member this will only last short time but it will be fun. I have to say HA to all my friends who are PMs because now I am your equal. No wait I am your superior as I have FT powers (no matter how little they are ). And that's about it.     GB #1

Great Being #1

Great Being #1

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