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My Fascination With Music



As many of you know, or will now learn, I am fascinated with music. What kinds, you may ask? (Either that or you're being forced with this question.)


I'm big into Classic Rock. The obvious connection from there is my Pink Floyd collection. My original Blog title was "A Momentary Lapse of Reality," an obvious play on words from the original title, which was "A Momentary Lapse of Reason," an awesome album from them. The current one is a more accurate portrayal of that, "A Delicate Sound of Blagging," which had an original name of "A Delicate Sound of Thunder," also a rather interesting album. I might perhaps call this "The Division Blog" eventually, to portray "The Division Bell," but that's optional.


The next genre I'd like to discuss is current Rock. It's divided within several genres from that, some I like and some I don't. I actually enjoy Grunge, some Industrial, some standard Rock, Alternative, Post-Grunge, and some classic Punk (90's). I don't particularly enjoy the Goth and/or Emo styles. They were never a favorite of mine. I also dislike the current age rap and R&B, preferring classic (early 90's).


This also leads me into another genre like it. Jazz and Blues. I love some Jazz numbers I heard my brother play in highschool band, and also I listen to Floyd's renditions of Jazz in songs. I also love the Swing genre, which derives from it a bit.


Without a doubt, you can probably toss anything in front of me and I'll either enjoy it, endure it, or hate it. I'm not too picky with stuff from the 60's to the 90's, but I'm very picky about current age. Only one person really got me to listen to music I disliked, and that was Kyn Ace. He made me listen to NIN, who I hardly enjoyed at the time. I'm glad he did, because I enjoyed a few songs. Bravo, Dav.



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I like a lot of them too. A friend of mine has tastes that are pretty much identical to your's, too. Creepy. Well, not really. (Don't like rap, either. :P)


Also, you've had 23 comments on your 3 posts, while I've had 1 total on my 2. And both blogs are a day old.

Man, you're famous. Well, and my blog's kinda lame.



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I like your music preferences.


Really like them. @_@

XD We're pretty close in our music tastes anyway. It's why we like Song Assoc.


I like a lot of them too. A friend of mine has tastes that are pretty much identical to your's, too. Creepy. Well, not really. (Don't like rap, either. :P)


Also, you've had 23 comments on your 3 posts, while I've had 1 total on my 2. And both blogs are a day old.

Man, you're famous. Well, and my blog's kinda lame.


I'm the BS01 Owner, people tend to look more at the famous ones. I do apologize for you not getting as many users. -Swert

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Cool, someone who likes 90's rap/R&B! Hooray for that. I agree, the new stuff is... bad. Do you like Nu-Metal, by any chance?

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I like a lot of them too. A friend of mine has tastes that are pretty much identical to your's, too. Creepy. Well, not really. (Don't like rap, either. :P)


Also, you've had 23 comments on your 3 posts, while I've had 1 total on my 2. And both blogs are a day old.

Man, you're famous. Well, and my blog's kinda lame.


I'm the BS01 Owner, people tend to look more at the famous ones. I do apologize for you not getting as many users. -Swert

Apology accepted. :P

Yeah, I know you're famous.

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Frank Sinatra.


Dean Martin.


Moderate to fast jazz.


All else is epic phail.


Jason Becker (arguably the best guitarist ever, shame what happened to him) wants to have a word with you.

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Frank Sinatra.


Dean Martin.


Moderate to fast jazz.


All else is epic phail.


Your music tastes are limited. Jazz... you should really listen to metal.


As for Swert, your tastes are alright. Grunge, eh? I like grunge music too. Especially Alice in Chains. ^^


You should really try death metal though. Morbid Angel... Cannibal Corpse? (don't really think you should look at their album art XD). Massacre, Amon Amarth... and many others. But if you want to listen to some brutal death metal, go for Cannibal Corpse and Deicide. Nile might be a good choice too.



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