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Short Stories Contest #8



I'm entering. While I just started working on my entry, I've got a lot done.


For players of Day Run -- you should find it interesting, since it gives insight into some of the events that occurred in Illuxio's dimension before his universe died... kind of. :o


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Cool. I am entering too. Though mine will not be about Vertak. :P

Speaking of Vertak, there's some stuff I gotta go work on for him.



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Or an example of what might come to be. Or what could possibly have been. Or a thought as to what already is. Your choice to decide once I post it. :P

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Probably not. Like I said, alternate universe, things played out a certain way; this is going to be a relatively simple representation of what could happen in the future.


I'm not sure when I'm going to post it, though. And tbh I would actually advise against reading it until Day Run ends... XP


And yeah, I saw that. I need to read it. :P

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Also, I just thought of this -- if people don't care if I use their characters, I might throw in a couple. Just be aware that they will get owned in combat without much hassle, regardless of how powerful you think they are.



Which reminds me... Just a spoiler for future events, the next day in the RPG is going to be preceded by a note regarding power levels and god-modding. Just so everyone who reads this knows.

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Good for me. Alan has managed to survive for longer than he should in any case. Heck, he fought the god of death and won. Kinda. XP


And because I must: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?"

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Iiiii certainly hope you've been reading this kind of thing, Kal... >:3


Anyway, it's not so much the treatment of major major NPCs like Ruaki and the Director that's prompting me to post the message. It's more the treatment and usage of minor, combat-based NPCs in the past -- like, say, Ring guards or KNPD officers -- as a way to show off how incredibly awesome PCs are, when really, you aren't allowed to do that. But you'll see what I mean later.


If you want a preview, however, and wish to start reconsidering how you're treated people in combat in the past early (I.E. Sanshou, Lurinost, Vailian, etc.) then feel free to look here.

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Yeah, I know I treated Sanshou like she was nothing. Did Khad even get injured in that fight?


Despite what you may say, I know that this is aimed directly at me. I'm sorry. I think differently when in a fight and out of it. So yeah, sorry 'bout godmodding. It's way to easy to do. =/

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I don't believe so... :P


But no, this isn't directly aimed at you, so apology ignored ( :P .) The reason I'm posting it at all is because god-modding has become -- or at the very least was -- an extremely common thing in the arena both in NR and in the old topic, as well as against NPCs in general, and since the next in-game day is going to include a lot of conflict between NPCs and PCs, I need to curb that problem before it rears its head again.


In other words, I've been thinking about this a lot over the summer, and it's something I've been meaning to address for a few months, so... yeah. I'm not aiming it at anyone in particular since so many people have done it. :)

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Hehe; I see what you did there. :P


But yeah. Don't worry though; I'm not trying to be mean. This actually goes waaay back to a few earlier RPs, and it's something I've been meaning to try and 'teach' people about, so to speak, for a while, so I'm not mad at anyone. :)

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