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Losing Steam...



Okay... I'm going to be honest here: The deeper we get into Day Run's finale and its last week, the less and less motivated I feel to finish it.


I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm realizing as things go along that the gigantic down times really screwed up a lot of the plot and that things have evolved at this point so far beyond what I had initially conceived that I'm finding it impossible to figure out how any of it ties together in any sort of coherent way.


If there's a lesson to be learned here, it's this: Figure out your plot before you actually put it into action. Otherwise it becomes a jumbled mess, like a train wreck of ideas and things that, while they seem good, really don't fit together as well as you would hope. :/


Bear with me, though. I'm determined to get this thing done. I'm just not sure I have it in me at this point...


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*Whistles innocently, as I take a step back* My apologies, if I'm the cause for some of the things that caused the plot to evolve in unexpected ways. =P


We can do this though; let's kick things into high gear.

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YEAH WOO LET'S DO THIS THING! Oh that's right I'm leaving today for a week.


I expect a coherent ending when I come back. If you don't have one...[/friendlypressure]

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I don't think it's the fact that it's ending, though. It's the fact that I can't figure the ending out. I've thrown up a number of impossible challenges that I can't think of coherent ways to defeat. At this point, all I can think of are deus ex machinas, and no one likes those--they're cheap tricks. I need to think of an actual ending, an actual method, a way to make things flow well... Sigh...


My fault, I know. Should've planned better. Hopefully something comes to mind...

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I know of a way to potentially figure it out, but it depends on if you count said method as a Deus Ex Machina. =P Of course, even that might not work...

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