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LEGO FOCUS GROUP STUDIES HAVE SHOWN that bionicle's most popular character is somebody named "orkahm" !!     all over the world, hip young bionicle fans are clamoring for the return of ORKAHM !! will he return in the new 2015 toyline ?? will lego cave into the demands of millions ?? click here to find out

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Ja. I do some modeling on the side

So I never got around to posting this, but this was my Maya final last semester. I might do the mask and tool and whatnot when I have some free time, but don't hold me to it.     His geometry is really complicated, with lots of Booleans and things. If I turn on rounding, all the holes in his body pucker up like nasty buttholes

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


Ahahaha holy creck. I just remembered for the first time in ages that I'm a lifetime Premier Member on BZPower. This means that, at some point back in elementary school, I actually shelled out forty dollars so that I could start quiz topics and have little icons next to my name. Blogs weren't even an option at the time.   I can't believe these things were once among my top priorities as a human being

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Velika no

Okay, so I know I'm not active on here anymore, but these 2015 rumors are drawing me back to my old internet haunts.   I just wanted to say: does anyone else completely disapprove of this Velika-as-a-Great-Being twist? I remember Velika and the other Voya Nui Matoran being a huge breath of fresh air when they were introduced, because it was a return to the fun, quirky Matoran characters we used to see back in MNOLG times. Why does every character who's a bit of an oddball have to have some secr

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


These relaxed rules are WHACK, yo. Am I allowed to swear yet ??   But seriously, it feels weird being able to type out words like "Facebook" and "YouTube" on here—I keep getting the impulse to stop myself. But now I get to share all the things I've been keeping from you for so long. These BZP regulations have driven a wedge between us for years.   My art tumblr My Vimeo   My YouTube is mostly redundant, but I'll include my most-viewed video, in celebration of today's landmark:   In other news

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

3D Printing

I wish BIONICLE was still alive, because just think what could be done among the fan community with 3D printing. That Ignika on the front page blows me away. I remember struggling in 2001 to make custom masks out of clay. CLAY!   I always thought it would be so cool to be one of these guys, making masks, taking names, and now that's within anyone's reach at a site like [Don't link to sites with forums. -Shine].   SOMEBODY MAKE ME ONE OF THESE RIGHT NOW OR I'LL HIT YOU I'LL TRACK YOU DOWN AND I'L

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Opinions On Greg

I just wrote an immensely long post in the Unpopular Opinions Thread, and I thought I'd re-post it here, because it sums up pretty completely my opinion on BIONICLE's writing for the past seven years. BEHOLD!  

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Ja, New Art

Commander Kummervoll is the head officer of a German U-boat.   He’s always depressed, so his crew suffers from low morale. Their submarine does nothing but hug the bottom of the ocean all day, and he never opens fire on enemy ships because he just doesn't feel like it.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

My Eagle Project

Since Vorahk1Panrahk2 asked:   I've participated in falconry with my family since 2003 (we hunt with trained hawks), so I chose to renovate a Bird of Prey Rehab center that I've been volunteering at for years. It's on a 100-acre property devoted mainly to holding weddings with exotic animals—they have tigers and zebras and such—and most of it is done in beautiful Spanish architecture. Except for the Bird of Prey Center.   That's done in "hideous junkyard shack" style architecture.   It's been th

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Big News, Everyone

Soon I'll be undergoing cosmetic surgery to look exactly like this.     This is just my lifestyle now, you guys. Constructive criticism?

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Human Centipede 3

So I heard that in the next Human Centipede, the centipede will gain the ability to fly and will start terrorizing a small German village. About time!

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

So, Bronies

You know, a few weeks ago I was reflecting on the rise of bronies on the internet, and it occurred to me that if BZP ever came back, it would be exactly the sort of place where bronies thrive. Lo and behold, it's back, and bronies litter the netscape. Now, the real question is: what will Greg think of the ponies he sees when he returns?  

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Gunfights 8

In his latest movie, action hero Chris Caliber has to track down a vicious serial killer known only as "The Beekeeper." (We're only starting filming on this tomorrow, so it'll be a while... But believe me, it's gonna be awesome.)

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Old Fanfics

I'm feeling really nostalgic for my old Chronicles of Krahiki fanfics all of a sudden. Does anyone remember reading them at all? I've just been looking through all the Review topics, and I had a lot of really glowing reviews, like this one from Snoopy82 (a great writer himself, as we all know):   I mean, dang. That's high praise, right there. I didn't appreciate this when I had it, and now my writing skills have fallen into disuse... I really regret not finishing the sequel now, but the audi

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


At dinner tonight, we got into a debate with my little cousin over the white Ninjago minifigure he was playing with. His older siblings and I pointed out that a character dressed entirely in white doesn't make a very good assassin, but he stubbornly defended it until I pointed out that it could be a snow-ninja, to which he responded, "Yeah, like an eskimo!"   We spent the next twenty minutes trying to convince him that ninjas and eskimos are entirely unrelated.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

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