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Toa Lhikan Hordika


Well, I've had quite a lot happen to me as of late and I have a lot to come as well.


My Great Grandmother died last week (my dad's mom's mom) so I spent two days at a Funeral Home and a third day at the funeral itself. Ironically, she died on her 89th Birthday at 1:30 AM, Monday April 21st, 2008. I'm not glad that she's gone, but I am glad for her, because she was suffering a lot towards the end. Four days prior to her death she acknowledged that her Birthday was coming up and was holding on for just that. I guess it was one of those will power things.


I did get Crisis Core on March 25th when it came out. I bought two copies as a matter of fact. One copy from Gamestop along with a Shin-Ra UMD case to go with it, and another copy from Best Buy that had foil cover art. Awesome game, I must say. The video game magazines say God of War: Chains of Olympus was the best PSP game, but in my opinion Crisis Core beats it by a long shot. The story is awesome, the battle system is awesome, and the graphics are top notch.


I'm almost done with High School. Just a week left of Physics and all I'll have left is Trig. Though it'll be a relief to have school done and over with, it's not gonna be that much of a relief. Starting in late May, I'm going to be helping my Uncle, Aunt, and Cousins out with doing some renovations on their home before they sell it and move. I'll be working for them 15 hours a week, at $15 an hour. As soon as I finish school, my mom is going to teach me how to do research and help out with the home-based business she started a little over a year ago. Whenever she gets the banks to settle on a short sale on houses going into pre-forclosure, we prevent it, and sell the contract to the house to a Realestate investor, I'll get a cut of the profits. I'll be maintaining my job at Joe's Crabshack (I'm even going to start waiting on tables once my 18th Birthday rolls around), but my primary income will be from my Uncle and my Mom throughout the summer. After/towards the end of summer, I'll be going to Brick Fair and will be starting college soon after.


Tomorrow, Stellar Kart is putting on a concert at my church and I'm so obviously gonna be there. Afterwards, I'll be heading off to see the midnight showing of Iron Man!


Aside from all that, I'm just trying to maintain my sanity :P . I'll do my best to keep this blog up to date on the current events of my life.


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