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The Coliseum May Be Reopened

Pahrak Model ZX


Anyone remember Technic Coliseum? It's a game I was running until the Forums crashed, and I've been thinking about restarting it.


If you don't feel like clicking the link, here's the basics: you pick a character from Bionicle, Slizer, RoboRiders, or Hero Factory, and sponsor them in a fighting league. Sponsors can strengthen their fighters and arrange matches whenever they want, and occasionally there'll be a massive tournament open to all fighters.


There will be changes, of course; for starters, I want to limit the roster to just 32 characters: the Toa Mata, the nine Hero Factory heroes released in set form, the seven RoboRiders, and the original eight Slizers plus Millennia and Spark. Should stop it from getting out of control, I think.


Also, all 32 fighters will be entered in a tournament even if they don't have sponsors (unsponsored fighters will just fight amongst themselves). The first time around there were some instances where we'd have an uneven number of fighters in a tournament and somebody wouldn't get an opponent, giving them an easy win. Of course, if we still have an uneven number of sponsored fighters, this could still be a probelm...

In addition, the time for each round is being cut from a week to 24 hours. Some tournaments would just drag on, and on, and on...


I reduced the price of the upgrade that gives Toa-level powers to non-Toa, and I'm thinking of adding in items from later years of each theme as a substitute for adding new fighters. The Toa and Heroes will be upgradable, but at the start the only upgrades will be Toa Nuva and Hero 2.0, which I'm wondering if I should reduce the benefits of.


But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Would anyone be interested in a new Technic Coliseum, or should I just leave it in the Archives and let it be?


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