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Temporal and Canonical Restraints

Pahrak Model ZX


Obligatory comment about officially being here nine years: woohoo


Moving on.


On Monday my next semester of classes starts, and it looks like I may have a bit more work this time around considering my science fiction class has asked me to buy nine different novels. In addition, I’ve got a part-time job now, so that’ll also take up some of my time. I’m not complaining, just saying I’ll have less free time over the next few months.


Even less once I get my hands on Pokémon Y heheheh…


This is obviously going to mean less BZP time. The only things I’m really working on here are Technic Coliseum, which has slowed to a crawl anyway, and Bioni-Lords, which only a handful of people read. I should be able to stay up-to-date with the Coliseum. As for Bioni-Lords, I’ll work on it when I can, but the frequency of new chapters may drop even lower than it has been lately. Sorry about that.


To be honest, though, I’m getting really frustrated with Bioni-Lords. I decided when I started this flashback book that I wasn’t going to contradict canon outside of what had already been explained away by “the Retcon.” Seemed like a good idea. Now that I’m actually writing the darn thing, I keep bumping into restrictions that are a real pain, primarily in regard to Tahra and Zempyst. Unless I do some rearranging, they’ve got some nasty fates in store, which is something I really don’t want to follow through on; not just because I like the characters, but because their respective presences provide things that Bioni-Lords sorely needs. Tahra is probably the closest thing I have to a great female character (though I feel like there are still some problems with how I’m handling her), and Zempyst’s relationship with Aile is one of the first times the story has stepped towards any form of diversity. Upon realizing this, I came to the conclusion that I was a close-minded cool dude when I developed this canon, and I will not make any excuses. I’m deeply sorry and I promise to do my best to improve.


I don’t mean to overstate the importance of Bioni-Lords, of course. It’s an obscure fanfiction that can’t be anything more than practice for when I try to write other stories. But that’s just it: it’s practice for me. I need to home in on what I need to change and try to actually change it. Still, when the characters I think I can actually use in this process already have tragic ends, it doesn’t feel like I’m really making a whole lot of progress. With the first two Books being offline, though, this could give me a chance to just go ahead and retcon. I don’t know…maybe there’s still a way I can twist things to get the practice I need while not entirely contradicting canon.


I guess I’ll try to figure that out, then. Hoping I get it down soon, because I think Vitirus is going to fall into this category too…


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