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Pahrak Model ZX


I went up to an anime convention for the weekend. It was pretty fun, bought plenty of stuff, including...




The Christina Figma (Lab Coat Version)! They had both this and the regular outfit version. It was a touch choice. But anyway, I'm very glad to have her as a part of the team now. What team, you ask?




The team of warriors I will be heading to unite and transform the fictional realm, of course! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!


...I dunno, I just wanted to get a picture of her wielding a Keyblade. It took some effort. But as great as that may be, the best picture I have thus far is...




Scientist Christina would like to battle!


Genesect is another purchase I made this weekend. Sadly, it can't support its own weight and keeps falling over, but it is just the right size for a set-up like this! Totally worth it. They make a good pair, don't you think?


I wanted to get a picture of her interacting with Kairi (since Tumblr gave me the headcannon that Kairi rocks at physics too), but they both have very different scales, so it didn't look quite right. Dang. Oh well, this is a pretty good set of photos for now. Now I just have to see how well she fits in the Exo-Toa...


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Wow. I had a feeling from the title that it would be, but I'm still surprised that my hunch that this was going to be a Steins;Gate thing was right...



I only recently got into Steins;Gate, and even recentlier into figmas. I might end up going for her figma at some point too (though if I do, probably the regular one) It looks pretty awesome.

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It's totally awesome! This is the first Figma I've purchased, so I don't know how to compare it to others, but she has a lot of articulation and is very well-made. I have been having a few frustrations, but that might just be my inexperience with Figma.


Update: she can't fit into the Exo-Toa with the lab coat. :( The regular version might be a perfect fit, though.

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Christina~ You're breakin' my heart. Yo' shakin' my confidence daily~


That's totally how that song goes.


Anyway, I realize more and more that I am not an Otaku. No figurines of Anime characters and I have no idea what this one is.


The posability of it looks really great, though. Love the Pookerman scene!

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