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An Important (ish) Decision

Pahrak Model ZX


So earlier I was working on stuff for my possible novel-type thing Divine Strength, and, well…


I’m thinking I might cut a few of the Queens?


See, right now I have 12 Queens and 11 queendoms. Through feedback I’ve gotten in the Fiction Writing classes I’ve presented the idea in, some people have said that’s a bit much, and that some of the Queens might not really fit. (They also say they need normal names but I’m holding out on that one.) I was working on some new short pieces today and I thought, maybe I should actually do that?


The Queens on the block are Music, Time, and Gravity. Time I’m thinking could be used in a larger role if I ever make a sequel or something, and Music has no characteristics and is a lesser known element so could easily be pushed back into the hypothetical future. Gravity is something people have called anachronistic, and while I’d like to keep gravity magic, I guess I don’t really need it. Of course, the Queen of Gravity is integral to the story, but I’m thinking I could essentially merge her with the Queen of the Sky, who doesn’t have any traits yet. Basically the character I’m currently calling Gravity would be renamed Sky, her magic would be switched, and gravity magic and the former Sky queendom get scrapped. This then makes the Queen of the Sky and the Queen of the Land married and jointly ruing the queendom of Roche, which feels like a weird pairing of elements at first but might fit thematically with the Queens being a combination of humans (the land) and goddesses (the sky)?


Anyway that would take us to 9 Queens and 8 queendoms, which sounds more manageable and leaves me with fewer Queens who are currently hanging in the background of the plot.


Big decisions like this are tough for me. Does anyone have any food for thought they might want to throw at me?


(Also I am aware I didn’t finish any of those stories I said I would post over break, break got away from me and I’m sorry, I’ll do my best to get them out soon and I swear this is related.)


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Flip a coin and see how you react to the outcome.


Also, are all queendoms part of the same continent/planet or are there other lands out there? Earth has more than 11 leaders. I think you'd be fine, depending on which characters you decide to focus on.

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They all rule different parts of the same relatively small region/continent, and the villain is someone who is trying to overthrow all Queens so they're all tied to the main events at least in that way, and there will be at least one summit between all of them.  A big problem is that I'm not so great with making characters different and a lot of the Queens I have now don't really have strong characters.  But...I don't want to see any of them go, really.


Maybe I will try the coin.  Thank you!

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This then makes the Queen of the Sky and the Queen of the Land married and jointly ruing the queendom of Roche, which feels like a weird pairing of elements at first but might fit thematically with the Queens being a combination of humans (the land) and goddesses (the sky)?



This sounds pretty cool to me tbh


If you still want input =P

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