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Fanfic Concept

Pahrak Model ZX


An OC who is forced to go through bad fanfic versions of numerous series, and painfully aware of just how badly their life is written.




"You are one of the chosen few who can wield the Keyblade."




"And yours is a very special one with powers that no other Keyblade possesses."


"Wait why?"


"Remember, you are the one who will open the door to the true Kingdom Hearts."


"...Is that a good thing?"




"OC, we need your help to defeat Platinum Frieza and gather the Mega Dragon Balls!"


"Uh...sure? I'm still adjusting, what can I do again?"


"Turn Super Saiyan God Super God King Saiyan God Saiyan!"


"...And what color does that turn my hair?"




"Toa OC, you are the only being capable of controlling the Legendary Mask of Life."


"Aside from the Mask itself, you mean?"


"Now, you must defeat Marendar!"


"Oh, so you're sending me, a Toa, to kill the thing specifically made for killing Toa? Alone? I guess things like Unity and logic aren't traits standard to my Element. Which I never did find out."


"You are a Toa of Reality."


"Oh come on."

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"Okay, so you're madly in love with Mary Sue. Your love for her is the ultimate power in the universe that can save the world from the evil time travelling duck that plans to turn everyone into bread so his family can feed."


"Wait, how is love supposed to stop that? I mean it seems totally unrelated to the present situation..."

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