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Library Summer Olympics

Pahrak Model ZX


All members of Team 4 for the Epics Unlimited Relay can post here to discuss our story.


The plan: win the contest! The details: ...*shrug*


So...cue discussion!


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Here's my idea:


We write about Johmak, and why she has a shield, but no offensive weapons. I think it should be because something traumatic to do with those happened to her. Johmak's story has barely been touched, along with her personality.


'Tis all.

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That sounds good. I've got an idea that I want to run past you guys before I start the prologue/Chapter 1: What if this was a journal of Johmak's written during the rebuilding of Spherus Magna's civilization? It could chronicle some of her early adventures, as well as possibly some speculation about the future of the Matoran, the OoMN and the Brotherhood's followers.


Anyone got any good names to use for some other characters? As well as other characters?

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That sounds good. I've got an idea that I want to run past you guys before I start the prologue/Chapter 1: What if this was a journal of Johmak's written during the rebuilding of Spherus Magna's civilization? It could chronicle some of her early adventures, as well as possibly some speculation about the future of the Matoran, the OoMN and the Brotherhood's followers.


Anyone got any good names to use for some other characters? As well as other characters?


Yeah, I like that idea.


Names: Ijonuu, Fraygi, Maancei


Char ideas:


Early Adventures- Another of her species, a friend of her's, possibly happy-go-lucky



That's all for now.

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I like that Ijonuu name. That feels fitting for another of her species.


Any objections to me starting the introductory Chapter?

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I just got the chapter posted. Its short, but it feels like it gets the job done. I hope its not too late. I had class last night that ran late.


The story so far is just a set up of Johmak beginning the Journal, and the first mention of Ijonuu. Mangai, its your turn!

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Okay, working on it. Guys, how'd you like it if I set Johmak's people up as warlike, have her meet Ijonuu (in flashback), and begin a journey to Bota Magna, where the people of the MU are building homes now that thye have none?

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The idea on the species is good--adds some irony to the situation; with the Matoran, I suppose the story would then switch between flashbacks and the present? And will these flashbacks be just Johmak referring to the events, or is it going to be a full flashback with dialouge and everything?

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So I'm thinking she and Ijo start a fight against someone, in flashback-memory recall, and she somehow hurts Ijo, and gets all depressed about it and gives up offensive weapons and wants peace... setting up her adventures on Bota Magna. Any suggestions?

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Hm...well there could always be a Makuta attacking the island, but that might not be the most original path. There could be Skakdi involved, or maybe Visorak or Rahkshi or something...whatever it is, perhaps during the battle Johmak and Ijonuu are fighting the same foe, and as Ijonuu is attacking Johmak launches a strike that ends up hitting Ijonuu?

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Guys, sorry about this, but you'll have to wait till the 31st for me to get back-turns out I'm going somewhere other than Kennebunkport.

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Hm...well there could always be a Makuta attacking the island, but that might not be the most original path. There could be Skakdi involved, or maybe Visorak or Rahkshi or something...whatever it is, perhaps during the battle Johmak and Ijonuu are fighting the same foe, and as Ijonuu is attacking Johmak launches a strike that ends up hitting Ijonuu?


Yeah, I was thinking along those lines. I'll get started!

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We have a serious problem here. AZBlue says she's known Ijonuu for a long time, while MP says they met on the field of the battle. What do we do? What I have written and planned says they've known each other for a while.

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My thoughts were something like this: Ijonuu may have been an Order member who was near Johmak's island on a mission, and Johmak saw the intruder and attacked. After the battle Ijonuu could have invited Johmak into the Order, and then became a mentor of sorts as they went on missions for years. Fastforward a bit and Ijonuu and Johmak are battling and etc etc, Ijonuu dies, Johmak shuns her warrior nature and becomes a pseudo-pacifist.

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Well, guys, guess this is it. I was balancing too many projects and School all at once, and something had to get left in the dust. I'm sorry it had to be this. My procrastination, my bad timing, and the sheer numbers kicked in. I wish you the best of luck winning this thing. I only hope that you aren't mad at me for not helping out as much and posting a chapter within the time limit. My only other wish is that you say it was someone else's idea to write of Johmak.



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It's understandable, Mangai. It's been a pleasure working with you, and we'll do our best to make the idea you gave us a winning entry!


Well, the contest is over. Now the question is: are we going to continue the story or not?

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