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Bzp Mobile App?

Watashi Wa


Hey guys!


Let me throw this hypothetical your way.


Say that, in the somewhat near future (1 year at the earliest), there was a BZPower mobile application for download on various app marketplaces.


Would you be interested in such a thing? Would you download it?


What kind of features would you like to see in such an application?


NOTE: This is not a project in progress in ANY way. I am solely gauging interest at this point.


Please leave your feedback! Ask your friends about what they think! I would very much appreciate all comments. This may or may not turn into an actual application at some point in the future.


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I would be very interested in seeing it. I've been wondering about this for a long time, but accepted the "we're not doing it" answers, but I still would support such an app.



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Honestly, BZP works great on my phone. So unless it had crazy-go-nuts features, like a laser or something, I probably wouldn't get it.
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I should help clarify for Wa here.


The idea here wouldn't be something that just viewed the forum for you. That would take way too much effort to program (essentially rewritting the forum software in a non-web based format). Instead it'd be more likely to see something simple like a news app to a potentially more complex set database app.


If we were to ever upgrade to IPB 3, there are built in tools to help generate a forum app so then we'd (speaking generally as the staff) would take a long hard look at putting something like that out. In this case Wa and I were just shooting ideas back and forth as a potential side project to work on to gain experience working with mobile applications.


And I highly doubt we'd charge for it.

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Honestly? I don't follow the news all that much (by choice), but I still think this is something you should pursue. It would certainly benefit the community as a whole.

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I'd definitely get it. The news on my phone looks really bad because I can never get it to be the right size. I hope you follow through with this. :D
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I can see why, to some people, this would be helpful. For me personally, no. I don't use mobile devices much at all. On the things I've tried, the iPad was easy to navigate and post with. The iPod - well, let's just say that I don't understand how people go around any site - or any app, for that matter - on such a tiny screen. A BZP app would make it easier for the people who use such a device on a daily basis, but eliminating the problem of accidentally clicking something that you don't want to, or leaning in as far as you can to read something, may just be a nigh impossible task.
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It would be cool, and I think with the talent if a lot of people here it could be made.


An app would benefit a lot of people, especially the Moderators, so they could check PMs or posts on-the-go.


Of course it would be a lot of work, but I think at least a BZP News App would be a great thing.

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Honestly? I don't follow the news all that much (by choice), but I still think this is something you should pursue. It would certainly benefit the community as a whole.


The news would probably be one of the biggest aspects of the app. Right now though, we're just brainstorming and judging interest. Who knows what other features we could do with the tools IPB3 provides. Of course, apps can always be updated with more functionality.


I'd definitely get it. The news on my phone looks really bad because I can never get it to be the right size. I hope you follow through with this. :D


Thanks! I'm definitely excited about actually, possibly working on an application that could be published to a select market. You guys will get to be our guinea pigs for testing. :P


I can see why, to some people, this would be helpful. For me personally, no. I don't use mobile devices much at all. On the things I've tried, the iPad was easy to navigate and post with. The iPod - well, let's just say that I don't understand how people go around any site - or any app, for that matter - on such a tiny screen. A BZP app would make it easier for the people who use such a device on a daily basis, but eliminating the problem of accidentally clicking something that you don't want to, or leaning in as far as you can to read something, may just be a nigh impossible task.


Formatting the app to work on any screen will definitely be an interesting task. We will definitely want it to be a functional and easy-to-use app that will be enjoyable across multiple platforms (Androids, iOSs, etc.). The great thing about apps is that they can be updated rather frequently based on user feedback. :)



I would get it.


Thanks! I'll put you on the pre-order list. ;)

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BZP works fine on my phone.


UNLESS I'm reading a blog (such as yours) that has content blocks on the right. It just can't handle it. Content block on the left - fine. Content block on the right - everything gets stacked.


So a mobile version where the blogs loaded properly would be nice. :P

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BZP works fine on my phone.


UNLESS I'm reading a blog (such as yours) that has content blocks on the right. It just can't handle it. Content block on the left - fine. Content block on the right - everything gets stacked.


So a mobile version where the blogs loaded properly would be nice. :P

See above explanation on rewriting forum software. You're pretty much out of unless we ever upgrade to IPB 3.

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