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Song of Ice and Fire

Watashi Wa


Does anyone else read these marvelous fantasy epics by George RR Martin? I have been deeply enthralled by everything Game of Thrones for about the past year. I'm currently on book three, "A Storm of Swords."


I have always been a fan of fantasy novels, but these stories offer something different. Throughout the books (and HBO show), we have seen and heard whispers and rumors of a deeper magic lying dormant in Westoros. After hundreds, possibly thousands of years, that deep magic is starting to awaken.


The twisting political intrigue of the series is highly captivating. As I've been reading these books, I can't help but let my jaw hang wide open as certain characters betray their liege lord's (and the reader's) trust. These thousand page books take a large investment of time. I am definitely a fan, however, and I cannot stop thinking about what's going to happen as I turn each page. A sincere effort must be made to not continue reading well into the morning. Many nights I've stayed up way later than I anticipated because I've been completely absorbed in Arya's unfortunate circumstances or Jon Snow's risky actions.


I wish more of my friends read the books. We have to wait another year for the HBO show to release, and I believe even then only half of the season is premiering. "A Storm of Swords" is over 1000 pages, so it only makes sense that it would get two half-seasons.


Edit: UNGH I just got to about page 700 and never have I been so full of RAGE and ANGER and HATE. Seriously. What just happened.


Who here likes fantasy books? What would be other good series I'd enjoy reading? After I catch up on A Song of Ice and Fire, I'm going to read a sci-fi novel or two. Possibly Ender's Shadow or Restaurant at the End of the Universe.


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I purchased the books... I forget when, but school kept me from reading them. It's the next thing on my list to read though.

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I purchased the books... I forget when, but school kept me from reading them. It's the next thing on my list to read though.

They're very good. Highly recommended.

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I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy books. I haven't gotten around to reading A Game Of Thrones yet but I will someday. :P


...You changed your blog title. It was bomb. :(

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Ditto pretty much everything you've said, WW. The fact that A Game of Thrones begins with a shockingly supernatural event, but throughout the rest of the story all we get are hints at magical/mythical forces is just brilliant. I'm also working through A Storm of Swords at the moment. I bought A Game of Thrones just to check it out, and, so far, I've bought each successive book before I finished the last few chapters of the previous. Awesome stuff.



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I'm still on A Game of Thrones, but holy hay do I love it. :P


Get to reading, man! They get better and better.



...You changed your blog title. It was bomb. :(


I did. I had that title since I first created this blog, so I felt like it was time to change it up a little. It's still music related, but no longer Emery related. ;)

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