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Does anybody else here study Sociology? It's pretty fun, and is good for leaving many job doors open

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I actually did take a quick course on this in college. It focused on sociology and how social interactions impact the work place. It's honestly one of the most practical and applicable subjects I've studied. I've been looking into a few other areas lately and it's indeed interesting.

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Yeah, depending on the electives you take (if Sociology is your main focus of study) then it can open up a lot of opportunities. For example, if you take extra HR courses you can become an HR representative, or if you take some Women's Studies courses then you can apply for a lot of government jobs (they look for 'intersectionality analysis' which is essentially Women's Studies with a different name.


It's also pretty general, like you said you took a course on social interactions in the work place, and I am currently taking one on family and how it has changed through a sociological perspective. It's a nice field with lots of future opportunities, and I recommend it for people who are unsure of what to take yet (since, if you're in first year, you can still take a lot of other discipline's first year courses)

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I took SOCI 101 and loved it. Though I'm now majoring in Language Arts for Education, the course helped solidify many ideas I was vaguely aware of, as well as give me terminology and concepts to know more about. Truly a fascinating course and field of study.

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I took Sociology 101 in my first semester in university, by which I mean just this past fall. It was the best class I took, it really is a very interesting and helpful subject.

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Yeah, intro to Sociology courses are your best bet for dipping into the field, and usually contain just enough to pique people's interest. Glad to know that other people enjoy the field as much as I do hehe (granted I should enjoy it due to the fact that I'm majoring in it hehe)

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