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Nathan Evo


The staff forgot to review Witch Doctor last year.


Now what will I do!? I can't sleep at night without knowing the staff's opinions on this old retired no-longer-in-production Hero Factory set that I already have! This is an upset in the balance and order of the universe! I'm seriously freaking out here! Quick, someone on the staff go review it! I don't care if it's a lengthy review or just "It sucks." The universe can't go on without some sort of Witch Doctor review!


On an unrelated note, I'm sort of tempted to find out exactly how many blog entries there are titled "I Just Realized". I only say "half-tempted" because I figure I'd give up before I reach the first hundred thousand.


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Wait, seriously? I could have sworn that somebody reviewed it...


Now I can't help it. I must confirm this myself.


EDIT: Wow.... you're right.


Takuma Nuva

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We didn't forget, I just didn't have time. TLG sent the set to me, and I didn't get the chance to review it.


But I can give you the official digest version: Booo set design, yay red ball joints!

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We didn't forget, I just didn't have time. TLG sent the set to me, and I didn't get the chance to review it.


But I can give you the official digest version: Booo set design, yay red ball joints!

Thank you, Deevee! Crisis averted.

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We didn't forget, I just didn't have time. TLG sent the set to me, and I didn't get the chance to review it.


But I can give you the official digest version: Booo set design, yay red ball joints!


DV, you're always booing the set design. :P Not as much as when we always had Inika/Piraka builds though.

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