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Post 900

Well, that was uneventful   In other news, I have no clue what I am going to do for the next week.   Well, I take that back.   On Friday, I've got my High School's Honors Ceremony, on Saturday I'm going to the Michigan Track and Field State meet in Zealand, on Sunday I've got Graduation, on Tuesday, I'm going to the Badar Track Meet, tomorrow and Monday I'm going to be working. And I'm only going to those Track meets because my girlfriend qualified for them (I'm just going to cheer her on)  




Wednesday is the last day of High School for me. :3   Hopefully I'll manage to build something in the month I have from when High School ends and College starts.



Work In Progress

Woah an entry that actually has a MOC in it!       So, this is a very early WIP. Totally have to cover all the gaps and fill out the body (really, I have to make the body) and what have you.   Kinda inspired by this dude



Cool Beans

Guess I need to work on posting MOCs more irregularly. Or just on posting them. I think I'll post my Alpha Quintesson-esque WIP sometime.   It is going to be rather interesting building this.



Senior Prom

Pretty much sums up everything.   Prom was awesome. And also a week ago. I kinda need to work on posting things when they're kinda relevant.   Also, trying to build something like Alpha Quintesson. It's ridiculously difficult.



I Built!

In another age, that would be a pretty obvious statement. First thing I've managed to put together in 6 weeks.   (on a somewhat related note, the thing that I built last time I came off of a month long hiatus was a little bit more impressive. However, I had access to pieces over that break, so it was just kinda sitting around in bits and pieces during then. That break was a "can't figure out what to build." This break was a "can't build.")




So, just got my prizes from winning BCii's contest. They're pretty spiffy. If I can find some batteries I'll take pics of them later.



Need To Find Me Some Batteries

Cause it's hard to take pics of things when my camera's dead. Also, for my school, we have to do a "Senior Exit Presentation" before we graduate. One of the requirements is that we include three of our greatest works or accomplishments up to that point. So, I'm going to bring in my Eagle Scout certificate and two other things that I haven't really figured out yet. I had asked my teacher (because my school feels that they need to dedicate an entire class to the project) if I could bring in a s



City Holiday

My mayor declared today a city holiday and dedicated it to me. He did this for another one of my troop's eagle scouts as well as our X-Country team (cause they were state champs a few years back). I think my mayor likes declaring holiday P



Eagle Scout

So, my Court of Honor is this Saturday. Though, I technically got the rank back in January. Still, I think that planning for this is actually almost as stressful as planning the project. Also, I should be building stuff again soonish. Stuff's looking up and stuff P



Which Is Better? (looking, That Is)

Pretty self explanatory, just I'd like to figure it out if I want to use that blue background more or if I should get another alt color background (or two). P



About Criticism, A Contest, And A Challenge

It seems to be that people react better to criticism that is more organized and less assaulting. This applies to the BBC and many other forums and MOCing outlets. Now, I'm not going to go and tell anyone to pull any punches if they feel like being a harsh critic, but saying "I'm only being mean to help you" seems like a rather moot point. I mean, I know that I don't go and pull my punches when I know that people can handle it, but I'd rather encourage people to get better than tell them that the



Brickfair 2010

So, I kinda need help figuring out what I should bring to Brickfair this year. SO, I was hoping that some of y'all (or at least anyone who reads this blog anymore) could help me out. What would you like to see at Brickfair? (a ranking would be nice but isn't needed) 1. Clockwork Strakk 2. Tatterdemalion 3. Sting 4. Ghul 5. Katsumoto 6. Wyvern 7. Call of Cthulhu 8. Clockwork hound 9. Monstrosity in Black 10. Mysterion Scout I'll most likely only be bringing 5 o



Bbc 58

So, anyone built anything cool for it yet? I'm going to be lazy and hope that somebody feels like showing me their MOC or something instead of going and looking for one myself. But yeah, if you think your entry's pretty spiffy, link me to it and such. I'll prolly comment if it's really cool. I'll prolly comment if it's not cool, too. P




So, you guys prolly won't be seeing any new MOCs from me anytime soon. Just an fyi, I guess. P



Duel Thingy To End All Duel Thingies

(Y'all can find it here) So, I've definitely gotta step up my game, or I'll lose to Disty. And that won't be any fun. So far, there's been three rounds. The first round, we both had to make a Throwbot revamp. My revamp ^ Then, we had to build an accurate snowmobile. Which neither one of us did. Because we both were unable to etc. Now, we have to build a politically charged MOC. Which I can't post here because it isn't finished and BZP has this one policy thing about politics and



Woah. Where'd This Come From?

My blog is back. For now anyways. I've got six months, might as well put it to good use. I'll prolly need to go and make this all spiffy again.   So, basically, this blog's just going to be a place for me to rant and post WIPs and all that jazz. Not a big change from it's previous incarnation.   Some of my more recent creations, btw:     oh and what is this




Out of 100+ creations, these 8 have been spindly (in some cases, remotely spindly). I'm tired of the comments that ask me to do something different than "spindly bipeds" or that say the creations aren't good because they are spindly. The spindliness is an intentional part of the design aesthetic. The creations wouldn't look right if they weren't spindly. Telling me to make these creations not spindly is like telling me to make this: into a dolphin. It just isn't gonna happen. So really, p



D9 And Other Musings (brickfair!)

So, these two, plus two other MOCs are going to be at Brickfair. CF's already got them. Anywho... District 9 was pretty sweet. Lot of cool effects and whatnot. Kinda felt bad for the Prawns every now and then. Really felt bad for Wikus. Mech was sweet looking. Didn't care much for the gore (girlfriend didn't like the gore), but all in all it was a good movie. Ya'll should go see it. Well, probably not all of you, because it's pretty gory, and it you can't stomach that, then I don't suggest it



Holy Cow

Wow. I just noticed that not only are the forums are back, but also that it's perks week. So, expect to see my blog return. A little. I've got Football/Eagle Project/Summer Homework/Friends/etc so I doubt that I'm going to be horribly active, and if I am, it'll only be at night. So, just a little update on me, I've been rather busy over this summer, what with my project, football/weightlifting, college visits (Kettering ftw!), hanging out with people, and of course, building. I'll get a link




Boris Wants YOU! Thanks for all the replies so far guys. I really do apreciate it. ALSO: Last entry for awhile. No more PMship. P



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