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The question was getting annoying by the umpteenth time it was asked. "Who are you taking to the dance?" Frankly, I didn't need to take anyone. I didn't need an official date. I didn't even confirm that I was going too the dance until the day it would take place, although I had made up my mind way before hand. I had never attended a dance before, so why not give one a try? Sure, it would cost money, but at least I would find out what it was like to just relax mentally and have a good time.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

September 11, 2001

All over my nation, people morn over a tragic day when many people died due to a terrorist attack on the twin towers. Back then, that was the only thing I thought had happened, but now I know that the Pentagon was also hit and 93 was hijacked, but people had taken over the terrorists and landed the plan to their deaths before it could hit its target. Not only did people die, but many families were effected in this event. Many mother's sons and daughters went to their graves, and national symb

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Logic And Wisdom

Recently, while on another forums site, I was discussing on a subject about politics. Feeling it necessary and relevant to the topic, I posted bonesiii's mega-blog entry, "The Debate Guide". There was another member who frequently posted on the topic, and also the only one who seemed to have any political opinions whatsoever, who I had had good discussions with, but when she saw what I had posted, her response was this.       This was my response:       More can be added to that. Our opinions

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Artistry From The Heart

Yesterday, while at my public library, I took along a notebook, and decided to write what I felt. All that day I had been slightly depressed, partially because I had come home at one o'cloick in the morning, but also because of something that had been on my mind once I was finished going on BZPower for the day. It the literary atmosphere (and coincidentally right next to one of the cutest girls I know *slaps himself*), I was in the mood to write my feelings. Since it kind of qualifies as a jo

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

If Bzp Had Mirrors

If BZP had mirrors, my reflection would not show the avatar of Gali that you all know. The avatar itself was merely requested from Bioni-Cool Mech because I wanted to be cool. I wanted to stand out and get a trademark. I want...Popularity. With that comes a thirst for power.   The hunger for power has, for the longest time, been mainly seen as a desire to take over a country, although it can mean something else. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, but the

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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