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BZPower Chatroom

So thanks to the new advertising policy (excellent change, by the way), we are now allowed to link stuff.   So with that... here's a link to a brand new chat some members are trying to get together. It's an interesting and cool place to hang out and discuss BIONICLE and other things.   So yeah come over and such   (RE: Boxtus Arena)   -Mesonak




Welcome all temp-bloggers to the wonderful world of BZBlogs. Truly an interesting place filled with suspense, intrigue, discussions, controversy, and nonsense.   I hope you enjoy your week of blogging, while people like me that actually payed a good deal of money let their perks go unused for some reason.   :'D   -Mesonak



Stream Results

50th episode went pretty great. Obviously not a huge crowd, but the stream overall worked well like we hoped it would. Probably not going to be a regular occurrence for us, but it's an option for the future.   -Mesonak



TTV Episode 50 - Live Christmas Spectacular

Just letting anyone who cares know that TTV is going to be putting on a live show soon for our 50th episode. Should go live in a couple minutes. We don't expect to draw a huge crowd since we didn't promote it at all, it's really just an experiment. Still, check us out at our channel!   You can find our channel from our ReBrick page here.   So yeah.   -Mesonak



Never Forget

Let's all take a moment away from our busy schedules, and remember the events that transpired on this day, eleven years ago. The events that happened then have altered our course in life in one way or another, and have changed us all as human beings in some way or another. But, of course, there are many who gave so much more- many who paid the ultimate price - fighting for freedom on that day, and many more that did the same in the years that have followed.   Let's honor them, today.   I'm truly



Halo 4 Map - "Exile"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <3   This game's looking great the more we see of it. Some worrying things here and there, but I have faith.   -Mesonak



MakutaFest 2012: Afterthoughts

Well, just got finished recording MakutaFest 2012.   That was a blast. It went very well, which is good considering all the difficulties we had this year.   There were a few problems along the way, as is the case every year, but it all turned out well in the end.   Thanks so much to everyone that came out for the event. You guys make it worthwhile; we're glad to hear that everybody enjoyed the show.   Recorded version coming soon; I'm in charge of editing that, so no promises on when that'll be



MakutaFest 2012

Today is the day and such.   Remember, if you'd like to participate go here.   If you'd like to be called during the Q&A segment so you ask the hosts a question and be featured on the show, send your skype name or phone number to Mesonak@gmail.com.   If you'd like to win a trans-neon green miru, be prepared to answer some BIONICLE trivia questions in the stream chat when the time comes.   Finally, if you'd like to be entered into a random drawing for a set of six, silver Kanohi masks and/or



Mass Effect 3 "earth" Dlc

Seeing as its been confirmed (more or less), I can begin to get excited.   I'm excited and such. July 17th, here we come.   -Mesonak



Three Years

My third year anniversary passed on Nov. 26th without any sort of recognition from me.   What else is new?   So yeah, party time. Onwards to four years.   -Mesonak



Thanks To You

Hey guys. It's Thanksgiving today, and what better time to make a blog entry like this?   No matter what kind of crazy stuff goes on, there are certain constants that i'm always grateful to have. Family is one. Friends are another. Those are things what, by default, you should be thankful for, and I am. I'm also thankful for the fact that even though life can be tough at times, I'm doing alright to the point where I've got a roof over my head and food to eat. That's more than a lot of people can



What I'm Currently Doing

Attempting to sleep but suffering from an un-announced visit from my good ol' friend insomnia. We've been estranged for as long as I can remember, but he keeps dropping in trying to make amends. It'd be a shame if I had to serve up a home cooked meal of brutal muuurder (BY COUNTING TO SHEEP YO).   Chatting with a friend and listening to Coheed and Cambria. Bringing back memories of the old days (not that long ago actually lol).   I should use this blog more.   How's the weather everyone?   -Meso



From: Hero Factory Winter 2012 Sets

Ironic that on the same day a topic was created and locked, finalized pictures are found.   Over at the site spielwaren-hegmann.de (right here), finalized pictures (with no confidential markings) of the Hero Factory Winter 2012 sets have been found, along with their official names.   I compiled the pictures into a gallery that can be found here.   Heroes:   Rocka - $12.99 Furno - $12.99 Breez - $12.99 Evo - $7.99 Surge - $7.99   Villains:   Thornraxx - $7.99 Toxic Reapa - $7.99 Jawblade - $7.99



What I Did During The Downtime

Minecraft.   Plenty other things, but mainly Minecraft.   I started following Minecraft, playing Minecraft, working on Minecraft projects, etc. It's kind of become my third major interest.   Also Xbox with friends.   Now that BZP's back I can fall back into my old routine; Arguing with people over bringing back BIONICLE, discussing Hero Factory and the BIONICLE Story, and managing and helping manage TTV and BioCraft respectively. Fun times are ahead.   -Mesonak



Blog Entry

It's a blog entry.   Yay.   Heard the forums were going down in a few hours so I'm going out with A BANG   ...   Nothing to talk about.   Crysis 2's cool and such.   Bye.   -Mesonak



Hero Recon Team

It's simple, but effective. This should've been created years ago, though it works perfectly for Hero Factory. It even expands the storyline so that's cool and such.   I'll hopefully order one soon (though, more likely than not, only one; if I want to MoC I'll just use LDD )   -Mesonak



So Bzp's Back

The first downtime since 2009 that I didn't really care too much about. Did other things.   Progress.   -Mesonak



Super Bowl

Yay and such.   Go Packers Go Packers Go.   Victory etc.   Shame I didn't get to watch THE ACTUAL GAME cause I have no cable.   XD   -Mesonak




Mesonak.   mhm   old av aswell   -Mesonak



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