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Where a dude who used to be incredibly active on BZP and BS01 posts thoughts that would only be understood by BZP and BS01

Entries in this blog

The Original BIONICLE Fandom are all adults

Apologies if this is slightly confusing or incoherant.   So, I've been listening to this song over and over for months after finding it on Spotify:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWB3-6MZ_UE   I find it fascinating, and really like it, in a very precise, specific, probably almost nitpicky way.   It's clear the narrator in the song (whether he's supposed to be Ethan Wood himself, doesn't matter) spent his childhood with bionicle. Seeing as he's showing specifically Tahu Mata, and the fact that



Toys R Us Liquidation, Michigan, and Bionicle

I was given hope by someone who claimed they managed to get old Bionicle promotional stuff from a liquidating Toys R Us.   If you happen to live in michigan, let me save you some time: I just called all of them. They don't have it anymore.



Someone managed to decode Matoran

On my dorm door, I put a whiteboard, and wrote a message in Matoran saying "If you can read this, I want to talk to you". It's a longshot, but the idea was that if someone was able to recognize what the alphabet was (or, even better, was a dedicated enough fan of Bionicle to read it fluently), that was a person I wanted to get to know.   I was just informed that two of my RA's had made it their personal challenge to figure out what the weird circles on my door mean. They have apparently spent th



Matoro, the Akaku, and Retcons

Most people in their twenties stay awake at night thinking about their future, their career, their views on life...I legitimately could not fall asleep for two hours last night because I was thinking about Matoro's mask.   1: At some point, we learned that the scope included on all of the Akaku that we have seen were added after they were made. This is to compliment the mask's power. What this means, though, is that the base akaku that most matoran walk around with in the MU has no scope.   2: T



Benifits of Fluency in the Matoran Alphabet

So, this might not work for everyone, but it works great for me.   I recently figured out that I can fluently write in the matoran alphabet, and read it nearly fluently. Since I'm a college student, and happen to have a less-difficult class right now (It's a music history course, and the first 3 weeks have been mostly teaching the rest of the class basic music theory that I already know), I decided to test out note taking in matoran.   My memorization has skyrocketed. Because the letters are so



The Piraka Rap

I can't believe I haven't seen anyone else think about this.   Listen to it. It's cheesy as heck, but from a technical standpoint, it's decent. The people who made it clearly had made something like it before.   Which means that it was recorded, somewhere, by an actual rapper, or rap group. Which means that, somewhere, the artists that made it have an actual discography.   Somewhere, there is an artist recording music in the style of the Piraka rap as a career.   It's been 10 years, why has no o



Was Takanuva's Destiny to become the next Bahrag?

This seemed too speculation-y for S&T, so I'm throwing it here.   Greg has stated he knows for a fact what Takanuva's destiny is, but that he'd only reveal if it was relevant. This seems to indicate that it was something developed by the story team early on in Takanuva's existence, completely independent and unaffected from the canon that came after.   And, well...the end of an Av-Matoran's life cycle is to become a bohrok, that was a fact that was known to the story team since the creation



Story Time

So, years ago, in either 2007 or 2008, I was 11 or 12. I ordered a whole Bionicle wave all at once (I'm not 100% sure which one), and I knew they were about to come in the mail. When the mailman arrived, I ran out of the house, grabbed the package, shook it, then hugged the mailman.   Flashforward to now. I'm hearing this secondhand from my mom, since I am currently at college. My neighborhood got a different mailman, but he had to take the day off, so that mailman from 10 years ago is filling i



Watching "Star Trek: Enterprise" for the first time

I had heard terrible things, and was therefore...hesitant...to watch it until now.   I'm halfway through season one, so it could go downhill at any point...But it's actually really good. Phlox is fantastic. Trip is fantastic. Everyone seems to hate T'Pol's character, but she's fantastic. Archer is inconsistant, but he CAN BE fantastic.   The show, unlike all the star trek I've watched up until now, actually FEELS like it's set in space. The crew is in a tin can with experimental hardware that ca



Trying to find Ekimu and Quake Beast

So, about two weeks ago, I biked 6 and a half miles in 100 degree heat to get the final wave of G2 at Toys R Us. They had Umarak, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, but not the other two. I checked a few other stores, but they were not there either.   Over the last two weeks since, to periodically check other stores, I have (still in the 100+ degree heat) biked over 25 miles total, walked over 10 miles total, and came pretty close to heat stroke on three occasions, all to STILL NOT FIND EKIMU AND QUAKE BE



Twokua is why I'm sad at Gen2's end

I made a joke blog post earlier about this. I mean it this time.   I think every single person who saw episode 1 latched onto this little guy. We all saw Takua in him, and that was a powerful nostalgia wave.   But now, I see him, and I just had an epiphany...When I was 5 years old, just building these sets and hearing the story for the first time, I was twokua. I was the one staring at these characters in awe and wonder, hoping to one day be a hero like them.   And I think that may be why I pers



UDD and the Gen1 Story Arc

In gen1, pre-Bara Magna, bionicle is essentially in three parts. We all know this.   The thing is, they take on a bizare internal literary significance when you start thinking of each part as one of the three virtues.   -Pretty much every challenged faced in 2001-2003 is solved by the toa's UNITY. It's very much the UNITY of the island of Mata Nui that Teridax seeked to break. In addition, this is the only era of bionicle when there is a heavy focus on Kaitas.   -2004-2005 focused heavily on the



...and the album is now out!

Here's the itunes link!   I stayed up way too late just to see this link go live...XD   It's on itunes, spotify, amazon...pretty much any place you get your music off the internet. If it's not there now, I'm guessing it will be by the end of the day. Enjoy!



I have an album coming out soon, guys

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3d5xLygQ2I   So...I have an album coming out on the 31st of august...you guys should totally get a copy off of iTunes and whatnot...or just listen on spotify, that's totally cool too.   So...Story that only BZP will understand...On the physical version, I have an interior booklet with a pixel art design, with a "wall" of pictures of things that have been important to me. So, I contacted lego about including a Kanohi Hau on said wall, and what legal hoops I'd nee



Spoilers and leaks

I feel old because I'm basically saying "back in my day"...but back during G1, leaks were treated like toxic substances. Now, they're front page news. G2 is already leaking like a sieve, and an army of tech-savvy fans isn't helping.   what changed?



Bionicle TV Intro idea

For, like, the last several months (and I have NO idea why), I've had ideas hurtling around my head about what G1 as a tv show could look like...one of the strongest ideas is what the main titles would look like (ish).   So, I woke up today, taught myself source film maker, and made this:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn4LjpQyLnU   Obviously, this is just conceptual...and things are wrong (Nuva and mata all at once, though if you can tell where I got the models you know why)...and imagine th



Brain vomit about BZP

So...In my return to BZP over the last 9-ish months, i've noticed things...thought of things...and i don't think those things belong in any one place on BZP discussion-wise, so i thought I'd vomit it here.   So...technologywise...BZP is and has been an incredibly well maintained site. I'm not bashing it. But...Am i wrong, or has not much changed tech-wise since bionicle first went down...? I was really supprised when i returned and found things so...the same...despite 5 years of technological pr




Decision made: I'm going to Kalamazoo College in the fall   Any BZP members that I will be bumping into there?



What happened in the last three years?

So, I've been on a 3-year BZP hiatus...Since i'm kinda back now, odd question...what basic policy changes happened? I looked through the rules, but I wasn't sure...What, policywise, is different between 2014 and 2011?   I don't want to mess up XD



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