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Baby Pumppies

Decided to take a quick peek at the pumpkins: Not sure if they'll be ready by the 31st lol.



Bambi's Star Wars Reviews

As you may or may not remember, I am a pretty big Star Wars fan. I don't think I ever talked about any of the new movies or shows here though due to being away from BZP at the time, and I'm sure you've all been lying awake at night wondering what I think about them. Well, you can rest easy tonight, for I am about to reveal all. I'll start with Rebels since that was the first new Star Wars after being bought by Disney: - Rebels  I was excited at first, but then I realized it was really



I May Be a Garden Deity

For one reason or another I had an itch to plant some pumpkin seeds and have home grown pumpkins for Halloween this year. So naturally I waited until the very end of July (the 28th to be exact) to "plant" these seeds by throwing them out on the lawn, in a spot that's away from any lawn mowing. All was going well for a few weeks... Until someone randomly decide to mow this spot and obliterate my poor pumpkin plants. But something happened. Despite it being the middle of August at the time, I




Been thinking of getting an actual camera for photography instead of just using my phone to take pictures. Don't get me wrong, it takes decent photos, but I'd like to get a real, dedicated camera so I can take my amateur photography to a slightly higher level lol. There's plenty around here to capture. I'm also trying to decide on where I'd like to upload said images. I know Flickr has been a favorite here for many years but I've never tried it. I currently use Imgur buuuuut it doesn't seem



Halloween Pineapple

Did this a few Halloweens ago: What should we call it? According to Wikipedia, a Jack O'Lantern is "a carved pumpkin, turnip, or other root vegetable lantern associated with Halloween" and Pineapples are neither root vegetables nor associated with Halloween. 



I Caved

The Halloween decor has left the attic.  I only put out a little bit (more than just what's pictured though), but considering it's still the first week of September I still have plenty of time to setup the rest. I tried posting this twice yesterday, but BZP was having issues and both times the entry on my blog was blank. So I guess third time's the charm.  



Steve Irwin

Fourteen years ago we lost a great human being. Still feels like it happened yesterday. I remember I used to want to be just like him when I was a kid lol.



In Your Opinion

When do you think is a good time to decorate for Halloween/autumn?  Me, I'd say mid September is a good time. Though honestly I'd rather start sooner, but considering that it's still in the high eighties in early September here it just doesn't feel right lol.



Bionicle Papercutz

I got the first three issues of the Bionicle Papercutz graphic novels, and man. The old artwork in these is sooooo much better than 06-onward. I especially like the way they stylize Kopaka/ice.



Stanley Cup Playoffs

Over the past year and a half, I've been really getting into hockey and the NHL. I wish I had done so waaaay back in the day, because I've really been enjoying it, and for my dad's sake as well (he's been a lifelong fan). Anyone else enjoy the sport? And who will you be pulling for in the playoffs? For me, I gotta pull for the Rangers. My family is from Jersey, and again, my dad has followed the Rangers his whole life, so I was kind of born into this lol. I'm not really expecting them to ta



It is Finished

I have finished reading the Bonkle books. Obviously they're not aimed for people my age, but I still enjoyed them nonetheless and found it pretty nostalgic. I'd have to say the Metru Nui arc was my favorite, and the Toa Metru are probably my favorite Toa team. And Time Trap is still the best Bionicle novel. Now I have to try and find something to fill the void finishing has left me with...



Storm Incoming

We got a little rain and lightning tonight, thanks to Mr. Smoke Monster and his tropical storm lol. I decided to get a picture of the clouds as they were coming in:   I also found this picture I took a while back and wanted to post it too because I thought it looked cool:



Finished the Voya Nui Saga

Well, earlier this week I finished reading the Voay Nui books. They were pretty good, and of course I like the whole team of Toa Inika. The only thing I was really disappointed by was the fact that there was not a single mention of the Piraka rap.



I've Been Re-reading the Bonkle Books

My thoughts so far... Chronicles: Yeeeaah, they don't hold up quite as well as I remembered (especially the Mask of Light novel). They're a little on the boring side, which is forgivable considering the age range they're intended for. Adventures: These have always been my favorite, even if I don't care for the Hordika storyline. Time Trap still remains my favorite book. Legends: Currently I'm only on Dark Destiny. I almost forgot how edgy they tried to be during this period lol. N




A couple of things: First, anyone here play Temtem? I've heard mostly good things about it and was thinking of getting it, maybe if it goes on sale or something. Though now does seem to be as good a time as any, if I'm going to end up being stuck home due to recent events... Also, I'm super stoked that a bunch of Mario games are coming to Switch, especially the SM64 remake. Though to be honest, I kind of wish they'd port the DS version instead lol. But I'll take what I can get. And I t



Reminiscing and Nostalgia

Two things that while I don't spend as much time doing as I used to, are still able to get me down. The past can be hard to let go of, but I can't stay in it forever. I'm happy for all the memories the good old days bring me. ^^ It's crazy to think about how in just under two months I'll have had this account for twelve years. But anyways, moving on...



Primitive Droid

Last week I was watching Lego Rewind by Nick on Planet Ripple and it had me feeling a little nostalgic, so I decided to head over to Bricklink and pick up one of the first Lego sets I ever got, a technic R2D2.  Quite an interesting little guy. I still find pieces of my old one in my collection to this day. The only big function he has is that his little arm flips out lol. I wonder what a set like this would look like nowadays?



I'm Sorry

I need to apologize for the many terrible things I've said and done in the past. I'm sorry to everyone I hurt with my stupidity. If you ever want to talk something over please PM me.




Happy to have finally finished my collection. Don't think I have any special editions or whatever, if Megadeth even has those.     From top to bottom: Killing is My Business... And Business is Good! Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? So Far, So Good... So What! Rust in Peace (one of my favorite albums of all time, surprise surprise) Countdown to Extinction Youthanasia Hidden Treasures Cryptic Writings Risk The World Needs a Hero The System Has Failed United Abominations Endgame Rust in Peace: Liv



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