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Storm Incoming

So what will probably be a tropical storm by this coming Friday night is going hit where I live in a couple of days. It won't get a direct hit, but my area will be on the east side of the storm. AKA the dirty side of it. And that means lots of rain and thunderstorms. Yay. Now as I have been few a couple tropical storms and hurricanes, I'm not too worried about these storms. But I am a little frustrated because I bought a ticket for Pokemon Go Fest and I'll probably have to do half of it sit

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

I learned something today

So when you bring your sandwich home and open it up from its wrapping, be sure to not do this at the corner of the table. Otherwise half of it might fall out and land on the floor. Because then you only have half a sandwich to eat.  Yes, I learned this the hard way today. 

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Smash Bros Ultimate DLC: ARMS

So the next DLC character for Super Smash Bros: Ultimate was revealed yesterday. We already knew that said character would be from the ARMS series. And now we know who it will be.  The next DLC character will be Min Min. Now I personally don't know anything about the ARMS series other than it was a game released for the Switch awhile ago. From what I understand, it hasn't had the most successful lifespan on the system, but it's still looked like a cool game. Especially from what is sho

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

The Isle of Armor

So the first DLC expansion for Pokemon Sword and Shield is coming out tomorrow night. As someone who had beaten the main story and after game of Pokemon Sword, I look forward to seeing everything this DLC pack will add into it. I'm especially looking forward to the new and returning Pokemon. I'm not sure who all is coming back, but I do believe some of my favorites are in there.  Are you looking forward to this DLC expansion for Pokemon Sword and Shield?

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

What I Have Been Up To in My Absence.

So I have been gone from BZP for a few years now, up until last week. There haven't been too many changes in my life in that time, but I figured I post about some things that have happened in my absence. 1. I'm still working at my job at my local amusement park. Thanks to my position there, I spent A LOT of time working. In fact, the biggest break I got from it was when the pandemic hit the world. I went six weeks without working at all. In a way, it was kind of a nice break. But in the las

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster


I'm not going to have a lot of free time tomorrow, so I'm going to go ahead and say this now:   I wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope the day is great for you all tomorrow.

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster


​Even though the corporate world have mostly forgotten about it, I know there are still people out there that remember and celebrate Thanksgiving. And that is one of the things I'm thankful for.   Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

The Next Franchise Michael Bay Might Destroy

Me: It's been over a month since my last blog entry. I wonder if I can find something to blog about.   'finds story about a live action Dora The Explorer movie being made with Michael Bay as a producer'   Me: Yeah, that's something to blog about.   So Michael Bay is helping to make a Dora The Explorer movie. I didn't see that coming, TBH. Apparently the movie will age Dora up to a teenager and will be about her moving to the city to live with her cousin, Diego.   So congrats to all the Dora Th

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Two Days

Two days.   That's how long the wait is until Metroid: Samus Returns is available to the public.   I can't wait to start playing it.

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Thoughts on the Latest Updates to Pokemon Go

Upon making this entry, I realized that I haven't talked about Pokemon Go since last February. Let's fix that.   Pokemon Go has changed a lot since Gen 2 was released.   The gyms have been completely redone, and for the better IMO. Now they can only have six Pokemon in them, with none of them being duplicates of each other. Plus they count as Pokestops as well. You can even feed berries to the Pokemon in the gym if it's under control by your team, helping them stay in there longer and giving th

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Long Overdue Hurricane Harvey Update

Here is an update that I probably should've posted earlier about how my family and I got through Hurricane Harvey. None of us were harmed in the storm, and we didn't lose our home or anything in it. We didn't even lose power. My parent's bedroom did take some water damage, but compared to what others have lost in the storm, we're not complaining.   As for my town, it is bouncing back to how it was before Harvey hit. Some food places still have a limited menu, but overall things are getting back

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

New Metroid: Samus Returns Trailer

I was debating on watching this, as I don't want to learn too much about this game before it is released. But I couldn't help myself.   It's great that we're finally getting another 2D Metroid game. It's also great to see the Gravity Suit back. (I still think it should've been in Other M.) The Aeon Powers look like an interesting addition to the game as well. I can't wait to see how they are used in the game.   My one nitpick about this is that they're are some content locked behind Amiibos. Y

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Tropical Depression Incoming

...Or it will probably be a hurricane by the time it arrives in my local area.   So for those who may not be aware, there is currently a tropical depression, named Harvey, in the Gulf of Mexico that is being predicted to hit southeast Texas, where I live, sometime late on this coming Friday. It's stated that this depression could very well become a category 1 hurricane before hitting land though, and that could cause some flooding power outages, and other bad things to occur.   And what's worse

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Majora's Mask: Completed

So I finally completed The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask a couple days ago. I know I mentioned months ago that I would beat it, and now I can say that I have. It wasn't at 100% though, as I didn't get all the heart pieces or masks. But that just gives me another reason to play through it in the future.   I really enjoyed the game overall. It took me some time to get used to the three day cycle and how it effected the world I was in, but once I did I started doing really well in the game. I als

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

A Random AMA Entry

Since I really don't have anything to blog about at the moment, yet I still want to post something here, I'm going to make this one an AMA entry. Because I haven't done one in awhile, so why not?   So ask away.

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Quick Thoughts on Movies I've seen this summer

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been posting my thoughts on movies that have been coming out this summer. (Or you have not noticed. I don't know. ) This is because it's been a really rough summer for me at my job. Summers have always been rough at my job, but this year has been extremely tough, especially this month.   But I still wanted to at least mention some of the movies I've seen this past summer. So I'm going to just mention which movies I've seen and give some quick thoughts

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

A Long Week is Over

It has been a LONG week for me these past seven days. At my job, the week of Fourth of July is the busiest in the summer. And since I work PM and overnight shifts, that resulted with me working a lot. I actually saw the sunrise three mornings in a row after working repeated overnight shifts. It was exhausting.   But it's over now, so the rest of the summer shouldn't be as bad. I hope.

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

Thoughts on SNES Classic

With the NES Classic being so popular last year, it's not surprising to see Nintendo make a SNES Classic to follow it up. Here is a list of games for it, courtesy of IGN: Contra III: The Alien Wars Donkey Kong Country EarthBound Final Fantasy III F-ZERO Kirby Super Star Kirby’s Dream Course The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Mega Man X Secret of Mana Star Fox Star Fox 2 Street Fighter® II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Castlevania IV Super Ghouls ’n Ghosts Super Mario Kart Sup

Toa Smoke Monster

Toa Smoke Monster

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