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Free Agent!

So, it's been almost six years (!) since I started working for LEGO. Yesterday was my last day with the company. So now I can actually post on BZPower again!   I'll probably be posting some reminiscences about my life in Denmark, and what I found it to be like to work for one of the best companies in the world. A year and a half in Denmark, four and a half years back in the US, and frequent travel. It was really the most excellent job I've ever had, and the BIONICLE portion of it was by far the



Release Timing And Scale Of Robots

It seems that for the most part, the Mata Nui Saga is being well accepted. I agree with most of the people saying the cool art, coupled with the excellent voiceover by Michael Dorn, really lends BIONICLE an epic feeling - which is exactly what we wanted. I'm pleased that for the most people are enjoying it.   There are two things that come up regularly, which I'd like to quickly address: Scale of the robots, and timing of all story media.   First, the scale.   Yes, the scale is difficult to p



Site Update

Although it's a week and a half late, the last major update to BIONICLE.com has gone live. After a few hours of bug-fixing, it seems to be working properly now. Sorry for the inconvenience of the Mata Nui Saga not loading.   Here are a few details about the site update, what's there, and what's coming.   Mata Nui Saga: This was a tough one. When LEGO decided not to continue the BIONICLE product line, we were stuck in the middle of a planned story arc. The movie was already in production, and



Updates To Bionicle.com

You guys are getting more patient. I've only gotten a handful of anxious "When will BIONICLE.com be updated???" PMs lately.   I'm working on getting the site updated as soon as I can. All my stuff is done (and has been for a month), I'm just waiting for others to have the time to work on their parts. There are some good things for you to get, including a really nice desktop image you haven't seen yet. The game is done but won't launch at the same time as the product updates.   With luck, it'll



## Syserr :: Rogue Biocode - Warning##

>> TrdX Location :: Metru Nui :: SYSMASTER >> MN_OS ERROR :: unreconciled memory storage :: ERROR >> MN_OS WARNING :: rogue B.I.O. Code :: WARNING >> TrdX override :: REJECT >> TrdX reroute :: REJECT >> TrdX shutdown :: REJECT >> MN_OS SYSDUMP :: B.I.O. Code status :: ONLINE >> MN_OS codeVal :: HEROPOSE >> MN_OS codeType :: POSTER >> MN_OS FlashMemStatus :: FRAGMENTED >> MN_OS reqAction :: PermDownload :: IMMEDIATE >



Coming In January: The Mata Nui Saga

Prepare yourself. The Mata Nui Saga is coming to BIONICLE.com in January.*     Also - I'm going to put a couple of sneak peek "Easter Eggs" on BIONICLE.com this week, to get you ready for the site update in January. You'll like 'em, I think... they were put together with the fans in mind.   * No, not 12:01 a.m. on January 1st. Remember: patience, young Padawan. (Padawans? Padawani? Padawahoonie?)




By now most will have seen the news about the future of BIONICLE sent to BZPower. Before I'm inundated with questions, I just wanted to let you know that there's no additional information I can provide regarding the announcement.   However, I'm still continuing to work on the BIONICLE web site for January, including a game and something else that's pretty cool, and I'm also going to be working on other LEGO web projects, so I'll still be around.   There are endings, and there are beginnings, a



Game Teaser Image

Development on the BIONICLE web game is coming along nicely. Thought you guys would like a screenshot of what it'll look like. Plans are to release it in late January or early February.   It's a tower defense style game, where you place your defenders to protect your Agori from baddies. The game is still in development but the graphics are looking great.     There will be multiple levels, this is just one.



Ben 10

It's now live... time to check out the Ben 10 teaser!     Come back every Friday for a new character unveiling, along with new stop-motion videos of each character.   I'm working on the full site for January release.



Tv Ad 2010

I just saw the TV ad for 2010, and it looks awesome. But the first thing that struck me was that it's not even close to canon.   So, to defuse some of the comments I know we'll see, I thought I'd post something here.   The purposes of a TV ad (in order of importance) are to: A. Inform the viewer there are new BIONICLE products available B. Inform the viewer of the product features and benefits of purchasing the product C. Create desire to purchase or own the product   You'll notice that "T



Some Worky Bits Update

OK, an actual work-related blog entry. (I haven't met anyone interesting recently. At least, ones who'll hold still long enough for me to get a picture with them.) Glatorian Arena 2 download: I don't know if it'll ever be put on the server. There are resource issues, and it's not a high priority right now, unfortunately. Glatorian Arena 3: Still waiting for that to be put online. You guys'll probably find it before me. Hint: it won't be on LEGO.com. Comics: Same deal as the Glatorian Arena 2 dow



Ignika In Its Natural Environment

Several of you commented about the life-size Ignika in the picture I posted with Michael Dorn and myself. I thought you'd like to see that mask in its natural environment.     Yes, the eyes do light up. It's a very dramatic setting in my newly-rearranged living room. Sorry, it's one-of-a-kind, and not for sale (of course). There are perks for having to have lived in Europe for more than a year.  



Starstruck Take 2

This time with Michael Dorn, who voiced Mata Nui in "The Legend Reborn." Really nice guy, very professional and friendly.   Photo was taken yesterday.



Blast From The Past

So for work today, I've been trawling through a bunch of old Style Guide material from 2001-2003, and it sure brings back memories. Some of this stuff never saw the light of day, or was released in different formats. One of the images I thought was cool but I don't recall being released was one of the Rahi facing down Tahu.     Of course, my memory could be faulty and maybe it was used somewhere - I'm old, after all. But still, it's a small sample of stuff I've been running across. Some of th




There have been a couple of reorganizations at work, fairly major ones. I'll be working on the same projects I'm currently on, but will do it from another department. I'm looking forward to this, since I get to continue working with people I really like. My boss will be in a different part of the organization, and I'll miss working with him a lot - he's been a great boss. But the future looks bright too.   This doesn't affect plans already in place for BIONICLE, so don't worry about that. We're



Glatorian Arena 2 Status

OK, so now that it's September, I should probably let you know that the Glatorian Arena 2 game has been slightly delayed. You know me - always timely in my updates.   Anyway, the game is looking really good. We're making sure all the languages will be available for this one, which is taking a little longer. Plus, we got stuck behind a couple of other games in the pipeline, and we're now back in the slot for getting online.   We anticipate having it launched by the end of next week. That would



The Brick Is A Lie

CONTEST Contest contest...   Do you think the cake is a lie? Can I haz yr cheezburgerz? Do all your base belong to us?   Make your own meme!   First of all, if you don't understand a word I've just written, click "back" before your eyeballs are scarred for life. This isn't for you. If you nodded knowingly and muttered, "Shake that baby app," you're the one I need.   What do I need, you ask?   I need random schtuff. I need you to put a nonsensical phrase together. I need the most random, off



Work-related Update Stuff

Nothing exciting, but I figured it was time to give you an update on work-type stuff.   I just finished launching all the local sites (11 languages), after having launched US, UK, and Germany in July. Now I can concentrate on getting the game out there. It's in testing right now, and although I don't think it'll be ready for an August release, it should come in early September. The good news, though, is it WILL be released in all languages - either simultaneously, or right after the US version



My Latest Moc Project

OK, so it's not done, but it's getting there. The mechanism is all working, now it's just a matter of putting a "skin" on it so it looks like it should. But I wanted to post a work-in-progress movie. Click the graphic to download and watch a 12MB WMV movie.     For those of you who don't play the Halo video game, it's a Scorpion battle tank. It has four treads and a revolving turret. Obviously the turret is just tacked on to give you an idea of how it will look when finished. But I'm pretty h



A Little Taste Of What's To Come

OK, since the Legend Reborn update didn't go live on Wednesday like it was supposed to, the least I can do is feed you a few little tidbits about who's in the movie. Here's the (partial) cast list.   Mata Nui: Michael Dorn Ackar: Jim Cummings Kiina: Marla Sokoloff Metus: David Leisure Berix: James Arnold Taylor Gresh: Mark Famiglietti Raanu: Armin Shimerman Tuma: Fred Tatasciore Strakk: Jeff Glen Bennett Click: Himself   Trust me, there'll be much more coming up.



Up Early To Update

Tomorrow I'll be getting up at 4 a.m. to update BIONICLE.com. I have to coordinate with my colleagues in Denmark, hence the time difference. There'll be some fun stuff you guys will like, I think.   The things I do for you.   UPDATE: For technical reasons, the update has been delayed 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.   UPDATE 2: For more technical reasons, the update has been delayed until at least next Monday.



The Sorting Is Done!

OK, not BIONICLE related, but still a big deal for me.   The sorting I told about here is at long last complete. The basement is now a full LEGO room, with building table, boom box, hanging LEGO and BIONICLE banners, sufficient lighting, and a boombox.   To commemorate this auspicious occasion, I built a Danish flag to match my American flag.   Now I'm off on a new project. I'm about halfway done with a vehicle from Halo 3, and it's turning out really well. It's remote controlled with Power F



Just Saw The New Game

I just received the first beta of the updated Glatorian Arena v2 game, which will come out (hopefully) in August. It follows the same structure... talk with Agori, battle Glatorians... but it's been improved quite a bit. There are new characters (duh), a new location, and some new moves that make the combat more interesting. It took me a few minutes to get used to it, but I think it's an improvement on the first version. The backflip is a nice touch.   Ackar kicked. My. Butt.   Anyway, it's l




So, for those of you interested, I'm starting my update of BIONICLEstory. But if you're reading this, you probably already know everything that's going on it.   So far, I've updated: - Bara Magna (location, in the Universe section) - Updated Mistika story - Added Mata Nui Rising story - Added Bara Magna story   I've also got the character bios and images ready, but those take a long time to enter. So they should be done this week. The good part is, now that I'm in it, I can set up the summ



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